Hey Everybody,
So I'm home now... and so happy to be. Vacations are great but it's usually nice to get back to real life. I got FLOWERS yesterday.... :) One of my "sisters" got them for me (thanks Jen) I love them, they're beautiful lilies and they smell sooooooo amazing. This is the same "sister" that sent me the starbucks giftcard. Little reminders that lets me know my blog IS being followed and people like to read it and see how I'm doing and are impressed and proud of the progress I've had.... SO I'm keeping it up :)
I got home from Columbus on Wednesday afternoon and literally an hour after I got home I was already headed to the gym (my dog was VERY mad at me: she had missed me VERY much.) AAnyways I had a great workout at the gym Wednesday night stayed pretty late. Then Thursday I had to work both jobs but I went to the gym afterwards and the workout wasn't as great as it normally was I tried out a new machine that was interesting and had my heartrate up for a while but I was only on it for like 10 minutes it was kind of boring and uncomfortable I might try it out again soon though and see if I can stay on for longer I remember when i was only able to do 5 minutes on the eliptical now my regular warmup for my workouts is a half hour on one and occasionally I do a full hour :) I was supposed to go to the gym and get weighed yesterday(Friday) morning but i overslept and had to get to work so didn't have time to go. Then last night I worked both jobs and technically had all three jobs cause I had to come straight home and assemble papers for the paper route. Stayed up super late and now I'm just getting up and have to head to work again. this is my life I'd like to welcome you all to the KJS show (doesn't rhyme as well but whatever lol)
After being in Columbus for 5 days and 6 nights I was feeling pretty crappy about my diet and workouts. I have to admit I don't think I did too bad. I walked my sisters boyfriends dog 3 times I think it was in a beautiful park behind his house. Thats the ONLY workouts (if you consider that one) I got it. Then I did really well packing lunch stuff as you all know from my previous post but unfortunatly alot of that food ended up having to be thrown out from water absorbtion from the ice melting in the cooler. it was pretty gross but we did use alot of it for lunches. crackers sandwhiches fruit and veggies. but then we also ate dinner out almost every night I think we had one night that we had dinner at the house. So anyways none of that really matters you just all know how I love to babble the moral of the story is that I was not feeling very confident in what had taken place while in Columbus. But to my happy suprise I get home and actually feel like some of my clothes are significantly looser. My Bob's work shirts are definently alot looser. Also I have a pair of pajamas that I'm wearing right now that I got for christmas this year that had been a little tight even before I left for Columbus that now feel looser and I think look better than they had before :) yay. I am completely aware that I might be a little crazy and nothing has actually changed since I went to COlumbus and all of these things looked better before then but I'm just going to keep on keeping on and you all can believe what you want to. :) So that's it I'm gonna go get ready for work now. BYES
Saturday, April 24
Monday, April 19
Hey Everybody,
So I'm sorry I've been Missing latley. I have been in Columbus with my sister since Thursday and I'm comming home on Wednesday so it's been a crazy week. Add to that an amazing seminar that my sis and I did over the weekend: had today off then go back tommorow night to finish up, and you have a very mentally exhausted girl that has nothing to give to her blog. So I wanted to apologize to anyone waiting for a post. I also just want to update you that I had a good workout on um... it was either Tuesday or Wednesday I can't remember I apologize....maybe it was both days I can't really remember right now... like I said mentally exhausted. Anyways since I've been here I haven't given completely up on my diet and exercise. Actually it's on my mind QUITE often. :) In preparing to come down here I grocery shopped cleaned and packaged a ton of healthy foods into a full size cooler and lunch box/picnic basket. I bought, washed, cut, and bagged; strawberries, blueberries, grapes, apples, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and celery. In addition I bought; turkey, ham, cheese, oh shit I just remembered avacodo that we never cut up and used ;( honey wheat bread that I got for free :) almonds, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, and special K bars, small milks, juice and diet pop. which I proudly have only drank 2 in the last.... 5 days :) I was READY!!!!! You know that whole thing people say about being prepared ahead of time being good for a diet, it's completely true. Having all these things in the car made snacks and meals way easier. Also it's been a little challanging getting alot of exercise in for the fact that this seminars we're doing is from 9am to 10 pm. Sitting most of the time. We get 2 half hour breaks and one 1 1/2 hour break every day then every break and every night you have assignments you work on. So there's almost no down time. However On Thursday night when I got here I went with my sister and her boyfriend to walk their dog... There is a beautiful park behind my sis's boyfriends house. Great for walking so we went Thursday night then Friday saturday and sunday while we were doing to seminar I made a point of taking walks around the Parking lot of the conference center during the breaks. Then today we didn't have to go to the seminar So I doggy sat while "mommy and daddy" were at work. I played and walked the puppy that that felt really great but I'm very anxious to get home and back to the gym. I just found out today that I don't have to work on Wednesday (the day I'm coming home) So I am going to make a point of being home in time to make it to the gym. Alright well I just wanted to update all of you on what was going to so I'm gonna get some sleep now so I will say goodnight... GOODNIGHT :)
So I'm sorry I've been Missing latley. I have been in Columbus with my sister since Thursday and I'm comming home on Wednesday so it's been a crazy week. Add to that an amazing seminar that my sis and I did over the weekend: had today off then go back tommorow night to finish up, and you have a very mentally exhausted girl that has nothing to give to her blog. So I wanted to apologize to anyone waiting for a post. I also just want to update you that I had a good workout on um... it was either Tuesday or Wednesday I can't remember I apologize....maybe it was both days I can't really remember right now... like I said mentally exhausted. Anyways since I've been here I haven't given completely up on my diet and exercise. Actually it's on my mind QUITE often. :) In preparing to come down here I grocery shopped cleaned and packaged a ton of healthy foods into a full size cooler and lunch box/picnic basket. I bought, washed, cut, and bagged; strawberries, blueberries, grapes, apples, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and celery. In addition I bought; turkey, ham, cheese, oh shit I just remembered avacodo that we never cut up and used ;( honey wheat bread that I got for free :) almonds, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, and special K bars, small milks, juice and diet pop. which I proudly have only drank 2 in the last.... 5 days :) I was READY!!!!! You know that whole thing people say about being prepared ahead of time being good for a diet, it's completely true. Having all these things in the car made snacks and meals way easier. Also it's been a little challanging getting alot of exercise in for the fact that this seminars we're doing is from 9am to 10 pm. Sitting most of the time. We get 2 half hour breaks and one 1 1/2 hour break every day then every break and every night you have assignments you work on. So there's almost no down time. However On Thursday night when I got here I went with my sister and her boyfriend to walk their dog... There is a beautiful park behind my sis's boyfriends house. Great for walking so we went Thursday night then Friday saturday and sunday while we were doing to seminar I made a point of taking walks around the Parking lot of the conference center during the breaks. Then today we didn't have to go to the seminar So I doggy sat while "mommy and daddy" were at work. I played and walked the puppy that that felt really great but I'm very anxious to get home and back to the gym. I just found out today that I don't have to work on Wednesday (the day I'm coming home) So I am going to make a point of being home in time to make it to the gym. Alright well I just wanted to update all of you on what was going to so I'm gonna get some sleep now so I will say goodnight... GOODNIGHT :)
Tuesday, April 13
Season 10 down the drain....
Hi everybody,
SO I have to try to make this kind of quick cause I'm tired and have to get up in the A.M. I just wanted to let everyone know that after tonights episode of the biggest loser I was inspired to once again take the plunge into the sea of BL auditioning. I was all ready to email the friend of the family that has offered to help me make my audition tape (like he did last time) But I figured I should have the specifics of when it needed to be mailed in and everything so I started my hunt for when the deadline was.... not an easy feat. Finally just moments ago I found that TODAY WAS THE DEADLINE FOR SEASON TEN!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRR thats what procrastinating will get you. So now I have to wait for season 11 casting to begin. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens till then.
So as I was planning I went to the gym tonight but my workout wasn't nearly as inspired as last night. I just wasn't into it. I did it though my half hour on the eliptical then my weights and crunches. I did feel way better after my workout though so just goes to show.... I'm a little dissapointed in myself this week. I'm feeling like my clothes that were feeling looser aren't quite so much anymore... .it's a possssibilty that I'm imagining things but the only answer is to keep up the great workouts. I'm going to be down in Columbus for a week so we'll see how that goes... I'll keep you updated. bye bye for now. :)
SO I have to try to make this kind of quick cause I'm tired and have to get up in the A.M. I just wanted to let everyone know that after tonights episode of the biggest loser I was inspired to once again take the plunge into the sea of BL auditioning. I was all ready to email the friend of the family that has offered to help me make my audition tape (like he did last time) But I figured I should have the specifics of when it needed to be mailed in and everything so I started my hunt for when the deadline was.... not an easy feat. Finally just moments ago I found that TODAY WAS THE DEADLINE FOR SEASON TEN!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRR thats what procrastinating will get you. So now I have to wait for season 11 casting to begin. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens till then.
So as I was planning I went to the gym tonight but my workout wasn't nearly as inspired as last night. I just wasn't into it. I did it though my half hour on the eliptical then my weights and crunches. I did feel way better after my workout though so just goes to show.... I'm a little dissapointed in myself this week. I'm feeling like my clothes that were feeling looser aren't quite so much anymore... .it's a possssibilty that I'm imagining things but the only answer is to keep up the great workouts. I'm going to be down in Columbus for a week so we'll see how that goes... I'll keep you updated. bye bye for now. :)
Monday, April 12
Back in the Saddle
Hi Everybody,
SO I have learned that if I have a good day/night than I have to post on here right away instead of waiting till the next day cause then I never do. So thats what I'm doing now. I had a great night. I finally got a good long workout in tonight. I have been making it to the gym still. Doing my workouts but I haven't had time to do the long workouts like I used to. But I have been missing that. I think I finally got past the point in my weightloss journey where just making it to the gym on a regular basis. I now have the need to not only get to the gym and do some measely 1/2 hour to an hour workout. I actually have the need to do 2 to 3 hour workouts like I did tonight. I am very proud of myself this evening. I started the evening off at 5:30 on the Tredmill watching Gilmore Girls for 1/2 an hour this is great becuase I have been very anti-tredmill lately but I haven't seen a whole lot of my favorite show latley and the tredmill was the only tv open so I jumped at it. I was happy with myself for staying on for a full half hour. I stayed steady at an incline of 2.0 and moved my speed between 2.0 and 3.2 and towards the end after I reached my mile goal I pushed up my incline just to see if I could. I felt great. Then at 615 I moved onto the eliptical. Which I did for an additional 1/2 hour I stuck with a resistance of 1 which isn't the greatest but it's better than 0. varying my incline between 1and 13. I then moved onto my arm weights. This is where I feel like I could have done better. For some reason i just wasn't feeling it but I did make it through then moved onto my new routine of doing balance ball crunches. Which is awesome I'm sure my stomach is going to kill tommorow but that means it's working :D Oh no thats not the end of my workout. I moved onto the pool to do some relaxing exercise after kicking my butt upstairs in the gym. I spent some time in the cold pool then some time in the warm pool. Then I did double relax time in the sauna before getting cozy and comming home. Have I mentioned latley how much I LOVE the YMCA and am SOOOOO happy I joined. I plan to do it all over again tommorow. :) Talk to you all tommorow. BYE
SO I have learned that if I have a good day/night than I have to post on here right away instead of waiting till the next day cause then I never do. So thats what I'm doing now. I had a great night. I finally got a good long workout in tonight. I have been making it to the gym still. Doing my workouts but I haven't had time to do the long workouts like I used to. But I have been missing that. I think I finally got past the point in my weightloss journey where just making it to the gym on a regular basis. I now have the need to not only get to the gym and do some measely 1/2 hour to an hour workout. I actually have the need to do 2 to 3 hour workouts like I did tonight. I am very proud of myself this evening. I started the evening off at 5:30 on the Tredmill watching Gilmore Girls for 1/2 an hour this is great becuase I have been very anti-tredmill lately but I haven't seen a whole lot of my favorite show latley and the tredmill was the only tv open so I jumped at it. I was happy with myself for staying on for a full half hour. I stayed steady at an incline of 2.0 and moved my speed between 2.0 and 3.2 and towards the end after I reached my mile goal I pushed up my incline just to see if I could. I felt great. Then at 615 I moved onto the eliptical. Which I did for an additional 1/2 hour I stuck with a resistance of 1 which isn't the greatest but it's better than 0. varying my incline between 1and 13. I then moved onto my arm weights. This is where I feel like I could have done better. For some reason i just wasn't feeling it but I did make it through then moved onto my new routine of doing balance ball crunches. Which is awesome I'm sure my stomach is going to kill tommorow but that means it's working :D Oh no thats not the end of my workout. I moved onto the pool to do some relaxing exercise after kicking my butt upstairs in the gym. I spent some time in the cold pool then some time in the warm pool. Then I did double relax time in the sauna before getting cozy and comming home. Have I mentioned latley how much I LOVE the YMCA and am SOOOOO happy I joined. I plan to do it all over again tommorow. :) Talk to you all tommorow. BYE
Wednesday, April 7
More BL heros
Monday, April 5
My Hero's
Hey Everybody,
So this post is going to be a picture post. What do I mean by that? Well see how the Title is Hero's? Well I'm going to post pictures of some of my hero's in weightloss and in general. I haven't given this alot of thought it's just coming to me and I'm running with it. Let me know what you think. Oh and I hope you like the new look. I thought it was time for a makeover. I still want to change a little more but as we all know... change comes over time ;) ;)

So this post is going to be a picture post. What do I mean by that? Well see how the Title is Hero's? Well I'm going to post pictures of some of my hero's in weightloss and in general. I haven't given this alot of thought it's just coming to me and I'm running with it. Let me know what you think. Oh and I hope you like the new look. I thought it was time for a makeover. I still want to change a little more but as we all know... change comes over time ;) ;)

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