This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Tuesday, June 15

hi, my name is Kelly..... :)

WEll hello everybody, ......

I know it's been FOREVER.......... since I've posted at least thats how it feels to me like it's been a lifetime. I was starting to feel like I didn't have a blog anymore. It's actually kind of sad, I've missed it and you all of course :) SO, what finally possesed me to post again? I came into the Y today (where I am right now) to do my updated fitness evaluation. I get a free one ever about 5 months with my membership. So I got my first one in January when I started my journey. Well it's officially been 5 months!!!!!!!! It's crazy and I am pretty dissapointed. The first about 3 months went great as everybody knows however this last month to two months has kind of.... decreased in results and it's frankly my own fault. I just haven't had the motivation or determination these last couple of months I need to get back that crazy determined feeling that I had before. I don't know whats going on but I am going to turn things around. Now don't get me wrong I haven't fallen off the wagon at least not in my mind because that would mean (to me) that I had gone back to my old habits but that hasn't happened I still come to the gym I just haven't been putting the work in like I originally was. I think I got a little "down" because I was all excited about joining a class on tuesday nights that I really enjoy but I have found that I needed to pick up some extra hours at work so I am now working Tuesday eveings at Bob's. :( I also have this huge family party at my parents house this weekend that we have every year. Anyways thats other "reason/excuse" for my lack of gym enthusiasm lately. Anyways I still have alot to do for that said party so I'm going to get this post finished so I can get home and get some work done.

So as far as the results for the evaluation goes..... we started with my weight which to me is the most dissapointing because I have also been watching my weight at home and that scale says that I have been fluctuating between a 12-15 pound loss. Which isn't nearly as great as I would like for it to be but it is a milestone. However when i got weight at the gym today (on the same scale I started on 5 months ago) I had only lost 9 pounds which is just plain unacceptable to me at this point. I am going to attack this journey with a kind of intesity I've never seen before starting June 21st you heard it here first. :) Anyways moving on, we checked my heart rate which I'm not totally sure what it shoudl be but I'm told this is good at 65 BPM and a blood pressure of 122/70. Then after walking (very quickly) on the track for a mile my ending hear rate was 106 BPM when for my age the max heartrate would be 197. I'm told my 106 is good but I personally feel it should be higher. Just in case your wondering my first quarter mile took me 4 min 36 sec. second quarter mile took 4 minutes 24 sec. 3rd quarter mile took 4 minutes 26 sec. 4th quarter mile took 5 minutes 3 sec. for a total of 18 minutes 6 seconds which i'm told is a full minute off my January mile. I'm not sure if thats good or bad considering how much more working out I've done in the last 5 months. I'm just saying it's good cause I don't usually walk the track. We also compared my pushups and sit ups I did 5 more situps than I was able to do in January and I still wasn't able to do traditional pushups however the trainer (Andrea) did show me how to do wall pushups which I did very well and was able to do 16. She also said if I were to do wall pushups more often it will get me in better condition to do the traditional pushups better. we also took my measurements again but I'm not going to post those right now I would rather wait to compare those to the numbers i have at home. Soooooo I finally posted now i need to get home and get something to eat so I can get some house work done. Oh joy lol. Talk to you soon.... BYE

1 comment:

  1. Great job! You lost weight, it doesn't matter if it was 5 pounds or 20. You lost weight. You are getting healthier everytime you go to the gym and work out. Doing more weight lifting, walking longer, spending more time on the elliptical. It's all healtier than sitting at hmoe and doing nothing. Keep it up young lady.
