This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Thursday, September 9


Hi Everybody,

So here I am again.... YAY!!!!! :) So I've had a pretty good week even though I'm feeling completely UNenergized today. I wrote in here on Monday, then Tuesday I got up and MOVING at a decent time. I put moving in big letters because getting up at a decent time is not my problem I actually like getting up at 8am but my problem is I like to get on the computer or turn the tv on and I can easily sit in front of either of those electronics for 2 hours until it's time to get ready for work or wherever I have to go or do that day. So anyways Tuesday morning I headed for the gym then upon getting there realized a Zumba class was about to begin and why not I'll try the new leader and see what happens. I loved it.... I mean Myra was still my favorite leader but Linda's not bad I personally think for me what makes it or breaks it as a good experience or not is the music. I'm all about music love it it is one of my few passions in life. Anyways I enjoyed it. Then I went for a quick swim in the pool and headed for home. I was going to go to the gym again Tuesday night with my workout buddy and friend nicole but I got off work late and was really hungry and wanted to get home and get some dinner. I figured it wasn't too big of a deal since I had already done one good workout that day. Then Wednesday I was going to go to the gym again in the morning to do a workout but I overslept of course it seems the only thing that gets me out of bed these days is work(money) or caffeine. I need to stock up on some 5 Hour Energy. Anyways I went to work and even before I left I told myself "since you didn't go to the gym this morning (I knew I wouldn't go at night cause I had plans) you will will will take the dog for a walk tonight" I love to go for walks I'm not sure if I've put that in here anywhere but I really do like to go for walks especially in this crisp fall weather we've been having in Ohio lately. So anyways I am not a big fan of walking bymyself I will if I have to it's not so bad if I have music but I prefer to walk with a baby in a stroller or a dog don't ask me why but I feel like I stand out less as a fat chick going for a walk but rather just a lady taking her dog for a walk or taking a kid out to tire them out and get them some activity either way it takes the spotlight off me. I don't know I just came up with that it sounds good lol. Anyways I like to walk my dog but before she had a big problem with pulling and it drove me crazy so I just stopped taking her for walks. But a couple of weeks ago my parents bought her a harness that is supposed to keep her from pulling so much while walking. I love this thing I would recommend it to ANYONE. She walks so nice now I love that both of us are getting more exercise because of it and we're getting out in the beautiful weather like last night was amazing. Anyways moving on so I pulled myself out of bed this morning again and went to Zumba class again. I wasn't quite as into it today as I was on Thursday but the moves were a little harder and I wasn't following all that well but I figure as long as I stayed and participated for the entire class (which I did) then it's a good thing. Afer the class I went to the gym and did some weight lifting cause I really havn't done much this week and while I'm happy with myself for being more active and doing more cardio I know I need to keep up with my weight lifting as well. So there you have it my productive exercisable week. I have to go get ready for work in half an hour but I want to let you all know I'm reading Shay from the BIGGEST LOSER her blog she links it to her facebook alot like I do and every thursday she does where she answers the first 25 questions asked and I'm going through the last few she's done and reading them they're very educational I am really enjoying reading them so I would suggest to you to take a look as well. I feel like I might be reading alot of her blog/website in the days to come so please check it out..... BYESSSSS


  1. Kel, great job getting back on track! Glad you like Zumba, I've wanted to try it out :)

  2. I love it but it really really has alot to do with who the leader of the class is it makes a huge difference it's really nice hearing from you :)
