Hello Everybody,
I'm BAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!! I've actually missed you all. You may not believe me because I have the power to write or not write in this blog. But honestly I have and I've done alot of thinking today and I wanted to share it with you.
But first I would like to just let you know part of the reason I haven't written in here for so long. LIfe for my family has been kind of crazy at the end of October beginning of November. My dad has been having problems at work and as of right now has not been working for 3 weeks. Also just after we found out he wouldn't be working we found out that 3 cousins from my mom's family all died very tragically and we're all still trying to cope with that. I'm not telling you this as an excuse I'm just saying life has been crazy and I wasn't/ haven't been very good at fitting my workouts and healthy eating into that crazy and hectic life. Unfortuantly it doesn't end there. My mom has also been having some health problems and had to have surger a week ago yesterday and it did not go quite as planned it went well but the recovery process is going to take a little longer than any of us planned on so I have been trying to work as much as possible as well as helping my dad around the house and taking care of my mom while also grieving the losses we had in our family. On the "brighter" side of things I did finally get under 200 pounds :D and even though I was not making it to the gym in the last couple of weeks I did not gain any weight :)
Now as far as my weightloss goes, like I said I did get under 200 pounds I've been staying pretty steady at 198-199 but thats ok I'm very excited about this. In addition, you may (or probably may not) remember that when I started my journey I was in a size 24 clothing. I'm pretty much at a steady size 18 now depending on the clothes. However here is the exciting part I wanted to buy a new shirt for the funerals we had and I work at lane bryant and we had just gotten a beautiful new shirt in. It literally wasn't even on the floor yet I was hanging them when my shift ended and I grabbed one up in the normal size 18 that I had been wearig and guess what..... IT WAS TOO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I bought the size 14-16 :D I was so super excited. And it's totally cute/beautiful. I'm in love with it. If I could get away with it I would want to wear it every single day of the week. lol.
I went back to the gym for the first time since October 29th on Monday. I was a little dissapointed in my workout but I figured I had been out of the gym for so long I would just have to get used to it again. I was a lot weaker than I thought I would be and tired out a lot faster as well. I did my normal half hour warm up on the eliptical but silly me I got on one without a tv figuring I had my book to read but I finished the book in the first ten minutes then got completely bored the rest of the twenty minutes so it really dragged. Then I went to do my weights and was really not into it I have been making my goal of 3 reps of fifteen on all my weights. I only got through like one or two reps then I left :/ However I did go back on Wednesday and had an amazing workout. I started with my half hour on the eliptical and did the weightloss program which was an excellent workout I felt. It would start me off with a low incline and crossramp then wam flip me up to a high incline and cross ramp and it just kept going back and forth like that for the whole half hour. Then I did my arm weights, the full 3 reps of fifteen on EVERYTHING. THen I did my two leg weight machines and attempted to jog a lap around the track in between my machines and it felt great but I don't know if I was going super faster than I normally do or if I was just that out of shape but when I got done I felt like I was going to die so I didn't do another lap like I usually do or probably should have :( But then after ALL THAT I went over to the mats and balance balls and did my crunches. This is something I really feel like I need to do more of becuase my stomach is the slowest place I see changes happening. So I definently want to start incorporating more of these into my workouts. So I got into my "MAN IN THE MIRROR" song and did my 3 reps of 15 crunches then continued going till I couldn't go anymore. Then I was smart and stretched my stomach so it wouldn't hurt super bad today and proceeded to starbucks to have some warm vanilla milk and do some reading.... IT was an amazing night :D I felt great afterward and feel great today and my stomach just has a tiny ache to remind me of how great I did yesterday.
Last but not least I would like to fill you all in on some thinking I was doing earlier today. This morning I wrote the prayer for thanksgiving dinner. I feel with all the difficult times my family has been having lately I was very inspired in this prayer that I wrote. Anyways in writing this prayer it got me thinking about what I was thankful for this year seeing as Thanksgiving is the time that we think about what we're thankful for and who would we be thankful to other than God? So I just wanted to share with all of you that the thing I am most thankful for this year is my weightloss journey. I feel like I have learned alot and I finally took matters into my own hands and finally made the change in my life that is not temporary but permanent. You see for so many years in the past I have prayed and wished (I feel are the same thing) for two things. 1. TO lose my weight. and 2. To have a boyfriend. and yes I do know how silly that sounds :) So I do find myself thanking GOd on a regular basis for finally helping me make this wish/prayer come true. I would also like to thank all of you for being on this journey with me I'm going to try to do some research on some other blogs and see what I can come up with to help me get on here on a more regular basis. THANK YOU ALLL hopefully we'll talk soon!!!
BYE- Kelly Jo
Thursday, November 18
Wednesday, October 6
grocery shopping and calorie counter.... oh and
Hey everybody, So I know I know I haven't beeen on here for once again... FOREVER!!!! :( I just don't feel like I have a whole lot to say. So I'll tell you what I have. SO my mom and I recently got together to do some tweeking with my eating habits. Since my work schedules have been so crazy latley I have been doing alot of eating out which anybody who's ever attempted a weightloss journey knows is no good. I've been telling me mom I'm all for packing my lunches which would inevitably be much healthier and in the long run much cheaper. So my mom asked me to give her an example of a menu for three days. Three options of meals and snacks that I would normally eat on a regular basis and what I would need grocery wise to make that happen. Then we made a list of all those ingredients and I have been given the task of finding out the *first calorie count *then later the fat sodium fiber etc etc of all these items and tonight my mom and I went grocery shopping to get a bunch of stuff. It was actually kind of nice. Now I just have to put the work in. I'm supposed to be searching for my calories right now but I figured I haven't done this in a long time and it is an element of my weightloss journey so.... here I am.
Also I have been making a point of getting to the gym more often. I had a couple of great workouts last week. Full hours on the cardio equipment and extensive weight workouts. I was feeling great but then tonight I went to the gym and was just completely and utterly not into working out and only to make things worse I seem to want to eat everything in site and greasy things sound even better. ugh I hate it when i feel like this.
One last thing... I just saw on facebook that two of my favorites from season 9 just got engaged :D I'm very happy and excited for them. They're both great people, worked hard and deserve all the happiness they've found.
Ok so I'm going to go do some calorie searching. Ya'll have a great night.....
Also I have been making a point of getting to the gym more often. I had a couple of great workouts last week. Full hours on the cardio equipment and extensive weight workouts. I was feeling great but then tonight I went to the gym and was just completely and utterly not into working out and only to make things worse I seem to want to eat everything in site and greasy things sound even better. ugh I hate it when i feel like this.
One last thing... I just saw on facebook that two of my favorites from season 9 just got engaged :D I'm very happy and excited for them. They're both great people, worked hard and deserve all the happiness they've found.
Ok so I'm going to go do some calorie searching. Ya'll have a great night.....
Thursday, September 9
Hi Everybody,
So here I am again.... YAY!!!!! :) So I've had a pretty good week even though I'm feeling completely UNenergized today. I wrote in here on Monday, then Tuesday I got up and MOVING at a decent time. I put moving in big letters because getting up at a decent time is not my problem I actually like getting up at 8am but my problem is I like to get on the computer or turn the tv on and I can easily sit in front of either of those electronics for 2 hours until it's time to get ready for work or wherever I have to go or do that day. So anyways Tuesday morning I headed for the gym then upon getting there realized a Zumba class was about to begin and why not I'll try the new leader and see what happens. I loved it.... I mean Myra was still my favorite leader but Linda's not bad I personally think for me what makes it or breaks it as a good experience or not is the music. I'm all about music love it it is one of my few passions in life. Anyways I enjoyed it. Then I went for a quick swim in the pool and headed for home. I was going to go to the gym again Tuesday night with my workout buddy and friend nicole but I got off work late and was really hungry and wanted to get home and get some dinner. I figured it wasn't too big of a deal since I had already done one good workout that day. Then Wednesday I was going to go to the gym again in the morning to do a workout but I overslept of course it seems the only thing that gets me out of bed these days is work(money) or caffeine. I need to stock up on some 5 Hour Energy. Anyways I went to work and even before I left I told myself "since you didn't go to the gym this morning (I knew I wouldn't go at night cause I had plans) you will will will take the dog for a walk tonight" I love to go for walks I'm not sure if I've put that in here anywhere but I really do like to go for walks especially in this crisp fall weather we've been having in Ohio lately. So anyways I am not a big fan of walking bymyself I will if I have to it's not so bad if I have music but I prefer to walk with a baby in a stroller or a dog don't ask me why but I feel like I stand out less as a fat chick going for a walk but rather just a lady taking her dog for a walk or taking a kid out to tire them out and get them some activity either way it takes the spotlight off me. I don't know I just came up with that it sounds good lol. Anyways I like to walk my dog but before she had a big problem with pulling and it drove me crazy so I just stopped taking her for walks. But a couple of weeks ago my parents bought her a harness that is supposed to keep her from pulling so much while walking. I love this thing I would recommend it to ANYONE. She walks so nice now I love that both of us are getting more exercise because of it and we're getting out in the beautiful weather like last night was amazing. Anyways moving on so I pulled myself out of bed this morning again and went to Zumba class again. I wasn't quite as into it today as I was on Thursday but the moves were a little harder and I wasn't following all that well but I figure as long as I stayed and participated for the entire class (which I did) then it's a good thing. Afer the class I went to the gym and did some weight lifting cause I really havn't done much this week and while I'm happy with myself for being more active and doing more cardio I know I need to keep up with my weight lifting as well. So there you have it my productive exercisable week. I have to go get ready for work in half an hour but I want to let you all know I'm reading Shay from the BIGGEST LOSER her blog she links it to her facebook alot like I do and every thursday she does where she answers the first 25 questions asked and I'm going through the last few she's done and reading them they're very educational I am really enjoying reading them so I would suggest to you to take a look as well. I feel like I might be reading alot of her blog/website in the days to come so please check it out..... http://www.shaysorrells.com/?cat=4 BYESSSSS
So here I am again.... YAY!!!!! :) So I've had a pretty good week even though I'm feeling completely UNenergized today. I wrote in here on Monday, then Tuesday I got up and MOVING at a decent time. I put moving in big letters because getting up at a decent time is not my problem I actually like getting up at 8am but my problem is I like to get on the computer or turn the tv on and I can easily sit in front of either of those electronics for 2 hours until it's time to get ready for work or wherever I have to go or do that day. So anyways Tuesday morning I headed for the gym then upon getting there realized a Zumba class was about to begin and why not I'll try the new leader and see what happens. I loved it.... I mean Myra was still my favorite leader but Linda's not bad I personally think for me what makes it or breaks it as a good experience or not is the music. I'm all about music love it it is one of my few passions in life. Anyways I enjoyed it. Then I went for a quick swim in the pool and headed for home. I was going to go to the gym again Tuesday night with my workout buddy and friend nicole but I got off work late and was really hungry and wanted to get home and get some dinner. I figured it wasn't too big of a deal since I had already done one good workout that day. Then Wednesday I was going to go to the gym again in the morning to do a workout but I overslept of course it seems the only thing that gets me out of bed these days is work(money) or caffeine. I need to stock up on some 5 Hour Energy. Anyways I went to work and even before I left I told myself "since you didn't go to the gym this morning (I knew I wouldn't go at night cause I had plans) you will will will take the dog for a walk tonight" I love to go for walks I'm not sure if I've put that in here anywhere but I really do like to go for walks especially in this crisp fall weather we've been having in Ohio lately. So anyways I am not a big fan of walking bymyself I will if I have to it's not so bad if I have music but I prefer to walk with a baby in a stroller or a dog don't ask me why but I feel like I stand out less as a fat chick going for a walk but rather just a lady taking her dog for a walk or taking a kid out to tire them out and get them some activity either way it takes the spotlight off me. I don't know I just came up with that it sounds good lol. Anyways I like to walk my dog but before she had a big problem with pulling and it drove me crazy so I just stopped taking her for walks. But a couple of weeks ago my parents bought her a harness that is supposed to keep her from pulling so much while walking. I love this thing I would recommend it to ANYONE. She walks so nice now I love that both of us are getting more exercise because of it and we're getting out in the beautiful weather like last night was amazing. Anyways moving on so I pulled myself out of bed this morning again and went to Zumba class again. I wasn't quite as into it today as I was on Thursday but the moves were a little harder and I wasn't following all that well but I figure as long as I stayed and participated for the entire class (which I did) then it's a good thing. Afer the class I went to the gym and did some weight lifting cause I really havn't done much this week and while I'm happy with myself for being more active and doing more cardio I know I need to keep up with my weight lifting as well. So there you have it my productive exercisable week. I have to go get ready for work in half an hour but I want to let you all know I'm reading Shay from the BIGGEST LOSER her blog she links it to her facebook alot like I do and every thursday she does where she answers the first 25 questions asked and I'm going through the last few she's done and reading them they're very educational I am really enjoying reading them so I would suggest to you to take a look as well. I feel like I might be reading alot of her blog/website in the days to come so please check it out..... http://www.shaysorrells.com/?cat=4 BYESSSSS
Monday, September 6
Happy Labor Day
Good Morning everyone, So As I promised it doesn't matter what I write about as long as I write and right now I don't have a whole lot to say.
I think it was Friday that I wrote in here so I'll start with Saturday. It was a pretty great day. To start I was home alone all morning which is always good for my soul then I went out and did my part of the paper route my dad and I do. Which wasn't so bad because the weather was beautiful. Some people (Luke W.) may think otherwise but personally I LOVE LOVE LOVE this cooler weather Ohio is having right now. Fall is by far my favorite season only to be followed by Spring. :) Anyways then I went to Lane Bryant (not to work) to get FREE CLOTHES!!!! I loved it, you see I was going out with a friend of mine that evening, and I wanted to get a new top. So we went to a friend of mines house for a cookout and mini bonfire. Which was really nice cause I don't get to see him very often and him and his wife are having their first child and I got to see the nursery which is comming along beautifully. And we just plain had time to catch up. Then after that a guy I went to high school with was playing at a club in Bowling Green so we went to see his show. It was awesome. If you have time and have never listened to him you should definently check out LUKE JAMES he auditioned to be on American Idol last season and made it to the cut of the final 24. Yesterday was a a nice day too, I got to sleep in (as I did today) Then I went to church which I hadn't been to in a while so that was nice it was a great messge and they sang one of my favorite songs at the end. Then I came home and we had company over and my mom and I made an awesome dinner. Complete with cheesecake, salad, my famous sauteed mushrooms and onions (yum yum yum), moms amazing mashed potatoes, and grams famous roast beef (which really gave mom a run for her money this time around). After dinner I took my puppy for a walk. My parents bought her a walking harness which makes walking her a heck of a lot nicer than it used to be. She used to pull so bad when i would walk her and I love to walk her but I just couldn't handle the pulling so now that she has this harness we're going to be going for a lot more walks. We usually just go to Pemberville But there is a park in Perrysburg I've been wanting to take her to it's not an actual dog park but it's just a big beautiful park with a huge walking trail going around it and there's lots of dogs that go there to walk. Now that I think of it Pearson Park would be another nice place to take her to walk but thats a longer drive to get to. So now today I usually go to the gym on Monday nights but because of it being Labor day they're open but they close early and I work one thirty to six thirty today so by the time I get out of work which is when I would normally go to the gym they will be closed. :( ok well I gotta go get me some breakfast talk to ya all later. BYES
I think it was Friday that I wrote in here so I'll start with Saturday. It was a pretty great day. To start I was home alone all morning which is always good for my soul then I went out and did my part of the paper route my dad and I do. Which wasn't so bad because the weather was beautiful. Some people (Luke W.) may think otherwise but personally I LOVE LOVE LOVE this cooler weather Ohio is having right now. Fall is by far my favorite season only to be followed by Spring. :) Anyways then I went to Lane Bryant (not to work) to get FREE CLOTHES!!!! I loved it, you see I was going out with a friend of mine that evening, and I wanted to get a new top. So we went to a friend of mines house for a cookout and mini bonfire. Which was really nice cause I don't get to see him very often and him and his wife are having their first child and I got to see the nursery which is comming along beautifully. And we just plain had time to catch up. Then after that a guy I went to high school with was playing at a club in Bowling Green so we went to see his show. It was awesome. If you have time and have never listened to him you should definently check out LUKE JAMES he auditioned to be on American Idol last season and made it to the cut of the final 24. Yesterday was a a nice day too, I got to sleep in (as I did today) Then I went to church which I hadn't been to in a while so that was nice it was a great messge and they sang one of my favorite songs at the end. Then I came home and we had company over and my mom and I made an awesome dinner. Complete with cheesecake, salad, my famous sauteed mushrooms and onions (yum yum yum), moms amazing mashed potatoes, and grams famous roast beef (which really gave mom a run for her money this time around). After dinner I took my puppy for a walk. My parents bought her a walking harness which makes walking her a heck of a lot nicer than it used to be. She used to pull so bad when i would walk her and I love to walk her but I just couldn't handle the pulling so now that she has this harness we're going to be going for a lot more walks. We usually just go to Pemberville But there is a park in Perrysburg I've been wanting to take her to it's not an actual dog park but it's just a big beautiful park with a huge walking trail going around it and there's lots of dogs that go there to walk. Now that I think of it Pearson Park would be another nice place to take her to walk but thats a longer drive to get to. So now today I usually go to the gym on Monday nights but because of it being Labor day they're open but they close early and I work one thirty to six thirty today so by the time I get out of work which is when I would normally go to the gym they will be closed. :( ok well I gotta go get me some breakfast talk to ya all later. BYES
Thursday, September 2
Welcome Back
Hi Everybody, I'm sorry I haven't written in so long I think thats how the last three posts have started but whatever. So here I'm going to try something new, as far as the blog goes I'm going to write a little at least a couple of times a week, here's the catch; it might not always be about weightloss but I just want to try to get into the routine of writing in here again. Also I am going to try to keep to workouts and diet stuff but here's the other part I'm hoping will keep me writing, I'm only focusing on writing maybe a paragraph to two each time I write.
So here's what has been going on with me, I have been super super busy I have recently started yet another job I am now working at Bob Evans, Panera Bread, and Lane Bryant this is all in addition to the paper route I do on the weekends with my dad so now people understand a little better why I have been M.I.A. so much lately. However I do need some encouragement to get to the gym more often you see it isn't just the blog I've been slacking at lately. I have only been getting to the gym about one to two times a week. In my defense I have also been trying to add a walk in in addition to the gym visits. I have a workout buddy now so workouts are good when I do go I just have to focus on getting there more often. It's really been bothering me that I haven't been on the track I was on before.
Also I auditioned to be on the Biggest Loser again. My mom and I went to an open casting call a couple of weeks ago. I really felt like it went really well but I didn't get a call back from my audition. Thats ok though I'm not letting it get me down I'm in the process of getting a snail mail audition tape and eleven page application out the door I just have two more questions to answer and need to get it in the mail :) wish me luck :) Also I have a friend I met at the BIggest lOser filming of this seasons premiere and he's on the brink of getting into season 11 we think so cross your fingers and say a prayer for him as well.
ONe last thing Season 10 of the BIGGEST LOSER starts September 21st this is the one I'm sure I'll be in lots cause I was at the challenge for the hope to be contestants I was right there with Ali and Bob along the whole thing and during the contestants weigh in I was standing right behind their families. SO PLEASE PLEASE WATCH AND KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR ME!!!!!!!!! :D
Talk to you sooooooooon Bye
So here's what has been going on with me, I have been super super busy I have recently started yet another job I am now working at Bob Evans, Panera Bread, and Lane Bryant this is all in addition to the paper route I do on the weekends with my dad so now people understand a little better why I have been M.I.A. so much lately. However I do need some encouragement to get to the gym more often you see it isn't just the blog I've been slacking at lately. I have only been getting to the gym about one to two times a week. In my defense I have also been trying to add a walk in in addition to the gym visits. I have a workout buddy now so workouts are good when I do go I just have to focus on getting there more often. It's really been bothering me that I haven't been on the track I was on before.
Also I auditioned to be on the Biggest Loser again. My mom and I went to an open casting call a couple of weeks ago. I really felt like it went really well but I didn't get a call back from my audition. Thats ok though I'm not letting it get me down I'm in the process of getting a snail mail audition tape and eleven page application out the door I just have two more questions to answer and need to get it in the mail :) wish me luck :) Also I have a friend I met at the BIggest lOser filming of this seasons premiere and he's on the brink of getting into season 11 we think so cross your fingers and say a prayer for him as well.
ONe last thing Season 10 of the BIGGEST LOSER starts September 21st this is the one I'm sure I'll be in lots cause I was at the challenge for the hope to be contestants I was right there with Ali and Bob along the whole thing and during the contestants weigh in I was standing right behind their families. SO PLEASE PLEASE WATCH AND KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR ME!!!!!!!!! :D
Talk to you sooooooooon Bye
Monday, July 26
Trying to stay current
Hello Everybody, So I don't have a whole lot to say BUT I am trying to get back into the habit or routine of writing in here whether it's something important or big that I want to share with all of you or just little daily stuff to share whats going on with me. So Today I was hoping to get to the gym but I have ooobers and ooobers of laundry to do. I don't even know where I'm going to start. Then I have to go to my "new" job at Lane Bryant for a few hours this evening. HOWEVER if I can get out of there early enough I will be heading over to the Y afterward. :) I did get to the y for about a half hour on Saturday just to get in the pool for a little while because it was so darn hot around here. however I did do some swimming and treading water so thats somewhat a workout, activity if nothing else. Other than keeping up with my workouts and trying to stay/get back into the routine of writing in here more often I'm also going to start working on my audition video for TBL. (The Biggest Loser) I also wanted to share with all of you how much I am missing cooking. I have not had any time in weeks to cook anything especially something new. I have the urge to do some creative food art. But I have been so darn busy and its been so hot. I know this week I work at a job everynight of the week till Saturday. I guess we'll just have to wait and see maybe I can come up with some new inventions on this haitus. lol :) Alright well as much as I've been trying to put it off I really need to get going on my laundry. So I hope to correspond with you all soon. BYE
Wednesday, July 21
hard workout = tired Kelly
Hey Everybody so I actually have half of a post saved in my drafts that I started to write and then never finshed for some weird reason so to keep that from happening again I'm just going to be short and to the point because I'm very tired from my kick ass workout I did this evening..... So it all started with me getting off work and having all evening to do whatever so there's been alot of stuff on my mind lately and alot of things I've been wanting to do one of which is get to the gym more often... in the process of making that happen :) Also I hadn't been to starbucks in what seems like a long time. So I treated myself to a new drink that got me ready and rearin to spend my evening at the gym. But before starbucks I had a healthy and econimical dinner at Max and Ermas. I had the carribean chicken with the salsa on the side because a good friend of mine that works there gave me a heads up that it was a little spicey. Oh my goodness I have never had this meal but it was amazing!!!!! I ordered the smaller portion primarily for the price savings but what I got made me forget that I got the smaller portion :) I received one chicken breast a lot of rice and it normally comes with broccoli but I love they're salads there so I got one of those instead and like I said I got the salsa on the side and even tried a little and it wasn't reallly spicey just had a little kick and was glad I got it on the side so I was able to control how much I had. I had water with my meal which was also a hard choice cause Max and Ermas has a delicious drink that is actually pretty bad for you that I love and I did not get it so that was a milestone kind of. So then after dinner I wanted to get a caffeine fix to help me through my workout also wanted to give my dinner a little time to absorb into my body before starting my workout also like I said wanted to spend some time at starbucks. SO I went :) however I'm strongly watching my pennies these days so I had to deliberate on what to order so I decided to go with a double shot of espresso over ice added my own sweetner and milk like I would to a cup of coffee and spent about a half hour reading and getting caffeinated up :) Then went to the gym by the time I got there it was about 6 or 6;30 I started with my normal half hour on the eliptical but then found a movie I have been seeing advertised called "Revenge of the Bridesmaids" which I loved and didn't want to miss any of so in addition to that first half hour on the eliptical I then moved onto the tredmill where I hung out for almost an hour (I took breaks though to jog the track and refill water and take a potty break so it's not like it was a full hour on the tredmill) Then the movie was almost over but I was sick of the tredmill so I went back to the eliptical for the last half hour but I didn't want to skip my weight training I've been focusing on latley just because I did extra cardio nooooo noo noo I continued on to doing my thigh weight machines jogged another lap on the track then did my two leg push down and lift up machines and did another jog around the track then went to do my arm free weights. I recently started a new free weight routine to try to bump it up a little so this is what I did I started with my 2 10 pound weights and did 15 bicep curls. I then did 15 squats 15 behind the head arm dip thingys then my 15 weights above head to toe touches. thats one set of all those exercises I'm trying to work my way up to three sets of each like I do with my leg exercises I'm only able to do two sets right now but as long as I keep going I should be able to get to three soon. THEN I went to cool off in the pool for a little while. I started in the big (cooler) pool to do my treading then moved into the therapy (warmer) pool to relax my muscles a little. I am in a lot of pain as of right now and can only assume it's going to be 10 times worse tommorow but I just have to remind myself that this is how I get results and if I keep doing it eventually it won't hurt anymore :) ok so now that I've filled you all in on my amazing night i'm going to get some sleep becuase I have to work two jobs tommorow :) GOOD NIGHT xxoo
Tuesday, June 15
hi, my name is Kelly..... :)
WEll hello everybody, ......
I know it's been FOREVER.......... since I've posted at least thats how it feels to me like it's been a lifetime. I was starting to feel like I didn't have a blog anymore. It's actually kind of sad, I've missed it and you all of course :) SO, what finally possesed me to post again? I came into the Y today (where I am right now) to do my updated fitness evaluation. I get a free one ever about 5 months with my membership. So I got my first one in January when I started my journey. Well it's officially been 5 months!!!!!!!! It's crazy and I am pretty dissapointed. The first about 3 months went great as everybody knows however this last month to two months has kind of.... decreased in results and it's frankly my own fault. I just haven't had the motivation or determination these last couple of months I need to get back that crazy determined feeling that I had before. I don't know whats going on but I am going to turn things around. Now don't get me wrong I haven't fallen off the wagon at least not in my mind because that would mean (to me) that I had gone back to my old habits but that hasn't happened I still come to the gym I just haven't been putting the work in like I originally was. I think I got a little "down" because I was all excited about joining a class on tuesday nights that I really enjoy but I have found that I needed to pick up some extra hours at work so I am now working Tuesday eveings at Bob's. :( I also have this huge family party at my parents house this weekend that we have every year. Anyways thats other "reason/excuse" for my lack of gym enthusiasm lately. Anyways I still have alot to do for that said party so I'm going to get this post finished so I can get home and get some work done.
So as far as the results for the evaluation goes..... we started with my weight which to me is the most dissapointing because I have also been watching my weight at home and that scale says that I have been fluctuating between a 12-15 pound loss. Which isn't nearly as great as I would like for it to be but it is a milestone. However when i got weight at the gym today (on the same scale I started on 5 months ago) I had only lost 9 pounds which is just plain unacceptable to me at this point. I am going to attack this journey with a kind of intesity I've never seen before starting June 21st you heard it here first. :) Anyways moving on, we checked my heart rate which I'm not totally sure what it shoudl be but I'm told this is good at 65 BPM and a blood pressure of 122/70. Then after walking (very quickly) on the track for a mile my ending hear rate was 106 BPM when for my age the max heartrate would be 197. I'm told my 106 is good but I personally feel it should be higher. Just in case your wondering my first quarter mile took me 4 min 36 sec. second quarter mile took 4 minutes 24 sec. 3rd quarter mile took 4 minutes 26 sec. 4th quarter mile took 5 minutes 3 sec. for a total of 18 minutes 6 seconds which i'm told is a full minute off my January mile. I'm not sure if thats good or bad considering how much more working out I've done in the last 5 months. I'm just saying it's good cause I don't usually walk the track. We also compared my pushups and sit ups I did 5 more situps than I was able to do in January and I still wasn't able to do traditional pushups however the trainer (Andrea) did show me how to do wall pushups which I did very well and was able to do 16. She also said if I were to do wall pushups more often it will get me in better condition to do the traditional pushups better. we also took my measurements again but I'm not going to post those right now I would rather wait to compare those to the numbers i have at home. Soooooo I finally posted now i need to get home and get something to eat so I can get some house work done. Oh joy lol. Talk to you soon.... BYE
I know it's been FOREVER.......... since I've posted at least thats how it feels to me like it's been a lifetime. I was starting to feel like I didn't have a blog anymore. It's actually kind of sad, I've missed it and you all of course :) SO, what finally possesed me to post again? I came into the Y today (where I am right now) to do my updated fitness evaluation. I get a free one ever about 5 months with my membership. So I got my first one in January when I started my journey. Well it's officially been 5 months!!!!!!!! It's crazy and I am pretty dissapointed. The first about 3 months went great as everybody knows however this last month to two months has kind of.... decreased in results and it's frankly my own fault. I just haven't had the motivation or determination these last couple of months I need to get back that crazy determined feeling that I had before. I don't know whats going on but I am going to turn things around. Now don't get me wrong I haven't fallen off the wagon at least not in my mind because that would mean (to me) that I had gone back to my old habits but that hasn't happened I still come to the gym I just haven't been putting the work in like I originally was. I think I got a little "down" because I was all excited about joining a class on tuesday nights that I really enjoy but I have found that I needed to pick up some extra hours at work so I am now working Tuesday eveings at Bob's. :( I also have this huge family party at my parents house this weekend that we have every year. Anyways thats other "reason/excuse" for my lack of gym enthusiasm lately. Anyways I still have alot to do for that said party so I'm going to get this post finished so I can get home and get some work done.
So as far as the results for the evaluation goes..... we started with my weight which to me is the most dissapointing because I have also been watching my weight at home and that scale says that I have been fluctuating between a 12-15 pound loss. Which isn't nearly as great as I would like for it to be but it is a milestone. However when i got weight at the gym today (on the same scale I started on 5 months ago) I had only lost 9 pounds which is just plain unacceptable to me at this point. I am going to attack this journey with a kind of intesity I've never seen before starting June 21st you heard it here first. :) Anyways moving on, we checked my heart rate which I'm not totally sure what it shoudl be but I'm told this is good at 65 BPM and a blood pressure of 122/70. Then after walking (very quickly) on the track for a mile my ending hear rate was 106 BPM when for my age the max heartrate would be 197. I'm told my 106 is good but I personally feel it should be higher. Just in case your wondering my first quarter mile took me 4 min 36 sec. second quarter mile took 4 minutes 24 sec. 3rd quarter mile took 4 minutes 26 sec. 4th quarter mile took 5 minutes 3 sec. for a total of 18 minutes 6 seconds which i'm told is a full minute off my January mile. I'm not sure if thats good or bad considering how much more working out I've done in the last 5 months. I'm just saying it's good cause I don't usually walk the track. We also compared my pushups and sit ups I did 5 more situps than I was able to do in January and I still wasn't able to do traditional pushups however the trainer (Andrea) did show me how to do wall pushups which I did very well and was able to do 16. She also said if I were to do wall pushups more often it will get me in better condition to do the traditional pushups better. we also took my measurements again but I'm not going to post those right now I would rather wait to compare those to the numbers i have at home. Soooooo I finally posted now i need to get home and get something to eat so I can get some house work done. Oh joy lol. Talk to you soon.... BYE
Wednesday, June 2
Hey Everybody,
So I realize it's actually been a REALLY long time since I've posted. I apologize but honestly it's been crazy busy around here. So I want to start off with saying how bummed I am that I haven't been able to post my pictures from my Biggest Loser experience but two days before I went to that I went to a birthday party at a bar and accidently left my camera case and it had my cord to upload my pictures from my camera to my computer I haunted the employees for two weeks after about where the heck my stuff was and of course nobody knew. I am completely furious because obviously somebody took it. We know what happened to it that night at closing we know who had it and where he put it but then of course the next day when the next person came in it wasn't there anymore HOW RUDE!!!! So anyways I need to find a new one which might take some time. :(
Next the kind of interesting thing going on in my life right now is that my mom and I are experimenting with being vegetarians. It has been a very interesting experience I have learned alot of new recipes that are delicious and learning a new way to eat. This IN NO way is a life change I don't think I could EVER completely give up my meat eating habits I love so much. :) In the meanwhile I'm having a lot of fun cooking new things.
I was doing great at the gym getting in good workouts also had a GREAT experience at Zumba and then a horrible experience at zumba of course the second was so bad because it was a different teacher than I normally go to but then Of course I was offered another day to work at Bob evans which of course I took and now can't go to the Zumba class that I was normally going to so I'm going to see what my other day and time options are that the same teacher leads. Maybe/hopefully I'll have some luck. This week I've been a little off the ball my schedule is all messed up in weird ways so I'm off tommorow during the day so I think I'm going to get up early and get there before I come home and do laundry then go to Bob's.
Also My mom and I started the being vegetarians on May 19th which was the 4 month anniversary of my weightloss journey. We decided to take over my measuring at home so that we can be sure everything is getting measured correctly and we just went with the orignal numbers that I started with in January and the numbers are amazing. At some point I would love to figure out how to make some type of line chart on here to track my weightloss and measurments but for now I'm just going to give you a little synopsis plus I don't have the numbers right in front of me right now so I'm just going to let you know I'm actually measuring in centimeters instead of inches I know it's weird but it's what the people at the gym used so to get the most accurate measurements we decided to stick with that. As far as I can remember I lost the least amount in my legs and possibly my arms which sounds kind of weird since I've really been focusing on my arms but like I said i'm not positive but the biggest changes was in my chest stomach and hips where all three places I lost multiple as in 5-6 cm.
Alright well I gotta get ready for work I just wanted to fill you all in on what was happening and why it had been so long since I'd posted. Hopefully it won't take so long to get on here again. Have a great day. :)
So I realize it's actually been a REALLY long time since I've posted. I apologize but honestly it's been crazy busy around here. So I want to start off with saying how bummed I am that I haven't been able to post my pictures from my Biggest Loser experience but two days before I went to that I went to a birthday party at a bar and accidently left my camera case and it had my cord to upload my pictures from my camera to my computer I haunted the employees for two weeks after about where the heck my stuff was and of course nobody knew. I am completely furious because obviously somebody took it. We know what happened to it that night at closing we know who had it and where he put it but then of course the next day when the next person came in it wasn't there anymore HOW RUDE!!!! So anyways I need to find a new one which might take some time. :(
Next the kind of interesting thing going on in my life right now is that my mom and I are experimenting with being vegetarians. It has been a very interesting experience I have learned alot of new recipes that are delicious and learning a new way to eat. This IN NO way is a life change I don't think I could EVER completely give up my meat eating habits I love so much. :) In the meanwhile I'm having a lot of fun cooking new things.
I was doing great at the gym getting in good workouts also had a GREAT experience at Zumba and then a horrible experience at zumba of course the second was so bad because it was a different teacher than I normally go to but then Of course I was offered another day to work at Bob evans which of course I took and now can't go to the Zumba class that I was normally going to so I'm going to see what my other day and time options are that the same teacher leads. Maybe/hopefully I'll have some luck. This week I've been a little off the ball my schedule is all messed up in weird ways so I'm off tommorow during the day so I think I'm going to get up early and get there before I come home and do laundry then go to Bob's.
Also My mom and I started the being vegetarians on May 19th which was the 4 month anniversary of my weightloss journey. We decided to take over my measuring at home so that we can be sure everything is getting measured correctly and we just went with the orignal numbers that I started with in January and the numbers are amazing. At some point I would love to figure out how to make some type of line chart on here to track my weightloss and measurments but for now I'm just going to give you a little synopsis plus I don't have the numbers right in front of me right now so I'm just going to let you know I'm actually measuring in centimeters instead of inches I know it's weird but it's what the people at the gym used so to get the most accurate measurements we decided to stick with that. As far as I can remember I lost the least amount in my legs and possibly my arms which sounds kind of weird since I've really been focusing on my arms but like I said i'm not positive but the biggest changes was in my chest stomach and hips where all three places I lost multiple as in 5-6 cm.
Alright well I gotta get ready for work I just wanted to fill you all in on what was happening and why it had been so long since I'd posted. Hopefully it won't take so long to get on here again. Have a great day. :)
Monday, May 17
best day of my life :)
HEY EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I totally and completely had the best day of my entire life yesterday. I wish I could live it over and over again. For those of you living under a rock... just kidding lol I really mean for those of you that aren't totally obsessed with the biggest loser like I am lol.The Biggest Loser was in the Detroit area yesterday and my mom and I went. Ugh I totally can't concentrate I just great news from one of my best friends that I can't tell anybody yet..... anyways, SO I don't want to forget anything so I'm going to start from the beginning. Mom and I packed some snacks and healthy lunch stuff to take with us the night before mom got me a new shirt and shorts to wear that would be perfect for working out in. but I didn't really want to wear the shorts and its a good thing i didn't because it ended up being super cold when we got there. So while looking for something to wear the night before I tried on a teal sweatsuit that my parents had gotten me for christmas two years before that never fit guess what.... it fits now and looked super cute it's what I ended up wearing with the new pink shirt mom bought me underneath and the whole outfit looked super cute (then the orange shirt messed it up but more about that later) So we were supposed to get up at 3am to leave by 4am to get there by 530 am because check in started at 6 and we figured there was going to be ALOT of people there and only the first 300 people got tshirts and only so many people were going to be able to do the challange. So we wanted to make sure we got in and got to get and do EVERYTHING! Well we overslept. We didn't get up until 4am when we should have been leaving and didn't leave until 5am when we should have been almost there. But we made excellent time and got there at 6am and we were still number 62 and 63 in line. Personally I think it was meant to be and I am totally greatful that we got there late because if we had gotten there earlier then we might not have been in line with the people we were in line with. To me that was a huge part of the experience. We stood with a group of 5 other people, a guy Named Luke who we swear is going to be a contestant on season 11 of the show and his friend Eric who we hope can get on as well. THey were in front of us along with a girl who introduced herself then proceeded to tell us a story about how when she was in college she was joking with people and told them her name was amy so then I called her amy and forgot her real name lol. Then behind us was Loretta and another girl who I really liked her name but I forgot it already jeez lol. Anyways we all had great conversation and had alot of fun while waiting in line from 6am to 10:30 am. At one point when I went to use the restroom (porter style) I saw Helen from a previous season getting out of her car so at the last minute I decided to go get a picture with her, little did I know that she would be only the first of many past contestants I would see, get pictures with, and get to hang out with. Once We were allowed over to the area where everything was going to take place, it was so exciting the energy was so amazing and everybody was so extremely nice. The Director came out and explained what was going to take place that day. Then the Producer came out and told us what was going to happen with the cameras and the taping and everything. It was literally being backstage of a taping of the show we were there we were extras we were INVOLVED!!!!! Then the second most exciting thing of the day happened. ALISON SWEENEY came out. It was so surreal. I got a super good spot at the very front of the crowd I was literally right in front of where she was standing and oh my gosh she is so freaking beautiful and skinny skinny skinny this is so amazing to me because I watch her both on Biggest Loser and Days of our lives. I don't know what thy do but the shows make her look bigger than she actually is. THis girl is like stick thin. and so incredibly nice. She looks completely different in real life than she does on tv. As far as past contestants go I met Amy and Shallay mother and daughter team from season 7 I thnk it was also Carla from the same season and helen the winner!!!!! they;re all from Michigan so it was great to see them. Then THE most exciting event of the day not the best moment of the day but the most exciting when BOB HARPER came out for the very first time that day. it was amazing I very much almost lost my voice from screaming sooo much. And I totally got a sunburn from being in the beautiful weather all day. But it was so worth it. I would love to just live that day over and over again for the rest of my life. anyways after we all got introduced to BOB he took us through a warm up to get ready for the day. We did I think it was 3 rounds of Jumping jacks push ups squats and punching. I was so focused i can't even explain it.I didn't feel any pain like i normally would. I felt great was completely concentrated on what i was doing. Everybody should watch for me on the season premiere of next season not as a contestant but definently in the background I have to be on at least once. At one point Bob called me a "little firecracker" I was honored I was the only one that day that bob gave a nickname too. And at One point while I was doing push ups he came up behind me and I didn't know he was there and he pushed on my back while I was doing my push ups. I am so much more obsessed with him now that I was before. Oh my gosh to be trained by this man would be SOOO amazing. He is a genious. So after we did our warm up we were introduced to 3 people for the next season of Biggest loser. Then we had some meet and greet time with Ali and bob for pictures and autographs and such. Scanning the pics at the library didn't work as I planned so once again hopefully I can get the pictures up soon I can't wait to share them with all of you. We then moved onto the weigh in's The three new contestants had to be weighed in for the starting weight and they did it in front of all of us. I was standing directly behind their families and Carla Triplett was standing right next to me we had bonded a little when we met earlier in the day and after the people got they;re starting weights they told us about they're story and why they needed/wanted to lose they're weight this was a very emotional time for everybody watching and Carla put her arm around me while we were watching and we were both patting the contestants families on they're backs when they got emotional. It was a very...... speechless few moments. Then after all that we all got a little break to get a snack use the restroom and set up for our challenge. Which to my relief was a stepup challenge. I enjoyed it soooo much I barely even noticed I was exercising. you see while we were stepping so were those three contestants you see they were challenging for they're spot on the Ranch. Only the first two people to reach 500 steps made it to the ranch the third one had to stay home. It was so amazing two guys and one girl and I honestly thought the girl was in last place but guess what .... SHE WAS THE WINNER :) I was so excited and of course we were all there to support them so my mom and I were cheering on the girl the whole time and of course that was hard on our throats but it made us forget about the stepping we were doing ourselves. After the challenge was over to two winners got to leave for the Ranch.... yes THE RANCH!!!!!!!!!! Bob had to go talk to the person who came in last place for a little while so of course we were all waiting to get to see him again and tell him goodbye. I wanted to get another picture with him cause I really wasn't happy with the one I had gotten earlier. I was taking awesome pics with Ali but couldn't for the life of me get a decent one with Bob I always ended up making weird faces. But thats probably just because I was so freaking excited so anyways I tried one more time then finally said goodbye to everybody and we came home. Oh but then when we stopped for dinner we went to walmart to print my pictures off my camera and my mom bought me some new workout pants that I'm so excited about I had really been needing some new ones I've been working out in sweats which I really like but they're getting....wait for it.... TOO BIG!!!! So I got a pair of workout capris I'll see if I can get a pic in them and when I get a new cord for my camera I'll put them on. :) SO thats all it took me ALL day to write this post but it is now DONE!!!! I let my body rest today but tommorow I'm going to go back to the gym I don't know what exactly I'm going to do yet but we'll see. Write again soon. THanks for all your support guys and be sure to watch the show tommrow next week is THE FINALE!!!!!!!!! xxoo
I totally and completely had the best day of my entire life yesterday. I wish I could live it over and over again. For those of you living under a rock... just kidding lol I really mean for those of you that aren't totally obsessed with the biggest loser like I am lol.The Biggest Loser was in the Detroit area yesterday and my mom and I went. Ugh I totally can't concentrate I just great news from one of my best friends that I can't tell anybody yet..... anyways, SO I don't want to forget anything so I'm going to start from the beginning. Mom and I packed some snacks and healthy lunch stuff to take with us the night before mom got me a new shirt and shorts to wear that would be perfect for working out in. but I didn't really want to wear the shorts and its a good thing i didn't because it ended up being super cold when we got there. So while looking for something to wear the night before I tried on a teal sweatsuit that my parents had gotten me for christmas two years before that never fit guess what.... it fits now and looked super cute it's what I ended up wearing with the new pink shirt mom bought me underneath and the whole outfit looked super cute (then the orange shirt messed it up but more about that later) So we were supposed to get up at 3am to leave by 4am to get there by 530 am because check in started at 6 and we figured there was going to be ALOT of people there and only the first 300 people got tshirts and only so many people were going to be able to do the challange. So we wanted to make sure we got in and got to get and do EVERYTHING! Well we overslept. We didn't get up until 4am when we should have been leaving and didn't leave until 5am when we should have been almost there. But we made excellent time and got there at 6am and we were still number 62 and 63 in line. Personally I think it was meant to be and I am totally greatful that we got there late because if we had gotten there earlier then we might not have been in line with the people we were in line with. To me that was a huge part of the experience. We stood with a group of 5 other people, a guy Named Luke who we swear is going to be a contestant on season 11 of the show and his friend Eric who we hope can get on as well. THey were in front of us along with a girl who introduced herself then proceeded to tell us a story about how when she was in college she was joking with people and told them her name was amy so then I called her amy and forgot her real name lol. Then behind us was Loretta and another girl who I really liked her name but I forgot it already jeez lol. Anyways we all had great conversation and had alot of fun while waiting in line from 6am to 10:30 am. At one point when I went to use the restroom (porter style) I saw Helen from a previous season getting out of her car so at the last minute I decided to go get a picture with her, little did I know that she would be only the first of many past contestants I would see, get pictures with, and get to hang out with. Once We were allowed over to the area where everything was going to take place, it was so exciting the energy was so amazing and everybody was so extremely nice. The Director came out and explained what was going to take place that day. Then the Producer came out and told us what was going to happen with the cameras and the taping and everything. It was literally being backstage of a taping of the show we were there we were extras we were INVOLVED!!!!! Then the second most exciting thing of the day happened. ALISON SWEENEY came out. It was so surreal. I got a super good spot at the very front of the crowd I was literally right in front of where she was standing and oh my gosh she is so freaking beautiful and skinny skinny skinny this is so amazing to me because I watch her both on Biggest Loser and Days of our lives. I don't know what thy do but the shows make her look bigger than she actually is. THis girl is like stick thin. and so incredibly nice. She looks completely different in real life than she does on tv. As far as past contestants go I met Amy and Shallay mother and daughter team from season 7 I thnk it was also Carla from the same season and helen the winner!!!!! they;re all from Michigan so it was great to see them. Then THE most exciting event of the day not the best moment of the day but the most exciting when BOB HARPER came out for the very first time that day. it was amazing I very much almost lost my voice from screaming sooo much. And I totally got a sunburn from being in the beautiful weather all day. But it was so worth it. I would love to just live that day over and over again for the rest of my life. anyways after we all got introduced to BOB he took us through a warm up to get ready for the day. We did I think it was 3 rounds of Jumping jacks push ups squats and punching. I was so focused i can't even explain it.I didn't feel any pain like i normally would. I felt great was completely concentrated on what i was doing. Everybody should watch for me on the season premiere of next season not as a contestant but definently in the background I have to be on at least once. At one point Bob called me a "little firecracker" I was honored I was the only one that day that bob gave a nickname too. And at One point while I was doing push ups he came up behind me and I didn't know he was there and he pushed on my back while I was doing my push ups. I am so much more obsessed with him now that I was before. Oh my gosh to be trained by this man would be SOOO amazing. He is a genious. So after we did our warm up we were introduced to 3 people for the next season of Biggest loser. Then we had some meet and greet time with Ali and bob for pictures and autographs and such. Scanning the pics at the library didn't work as I planned so once again hopefully I can get the pictures up soon I can't wait to share them with all of you. We then moved onto the weigh in's The three new contestants had to be weighed in for the starting weight and they did it in front of all of us. I was standing directly behind their families and Carla Triplett was standing right next to me we had bonded a little when we met earlier in the day and after the people got they;re starting weights they told us about they're story and why they needed/wanted to lose they're weight this was a very emotional time for everybody watching and Carla put her arm around me while we were watching and we were both patting the contestants families on they're backs when they got emotional. It was a very...... speechless few moments. Then after all that we all got a little break to get a snack use the restroom and set up for our challenge. Which to my relief was a stepup challenge. I enjoyed it soooo much I barely even noticed I was exercising. you see while we were stepping so were those three contestants you see they were challenging for they're spot on the Ranch. Only the first two people to reach 500 steps made it to the ranch the third one had to stay home. It was so amazing two guys and one girl and I honestly thought the girl was in last place but guess what .... SHE WAS THE WINNER :) I was so excited and of course we were all there to support them so my mom and I were cheering on the girl the whole time and of course that was hard on our throats but it made us forget about the stepping we were doing ourselves. After the challenge was over to two winners got to leave for the Ranch.... yes THE RANCH!!!!!!!!!! Bob had to go talk to the person who came in last place for a little while so of course we were all waiting to get to see him again and tell him goodbye. I wanted to get another picture with him cause I really wasn't happy with the one I had gotten earlier. I was taking awesome pics with Ali but couldn't for the life of me get a decent one with Bob I always ended up making weird faces. But thats probably just because I was so freaking excited so anyways I tried one more time then finally said goodbye to everybody and we came home. Oh but then when we stopped for dinner we went to walmart to print my pictures off my camera and my mom bought me some new workout pants that I'm so excited about I had really been needing some new ones I've been working out in sweats which I really like but they're getting....wait for it.... TOO BIG!!!! So I got a pair of workout capris I'll see if I can get a pic in them and when I get a new cord for my camera I'll put them on. :) SO thats all it took me ALL day to write this post but it is now DONE!!!! I let my body rest today but tommorow I'm going to go back to the gym I don't know what exactly I'm going to do yet but we'll see. Write again soon. THanks for all your support guys and be sure to watch the show tommrow next week is THE FINALE!!!!!!!!! xxoo
Thursday, May 13
I'm going to meet Bob Harper !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh My gosh Hello Everybody,
I am so extremely excited. Carla something or other who was on season 8 I think of The Biggest Loser posted on her facebook about the show being in Detroit this Sunday!!! I didn't really think that much of it asking if it was a casting call (which I have attended in Detroit in the past) or a visit to a past contestant all of these were very good possibilities but then TODAY SHE POSTED THIS.......
"Come be a part of the first episode of season 10 of The Biggest Loser!
Over a third of Americans are not just overweight, they are obese. The question is, are you ready to change your life? If so, then here is the first courageous step you need to take. Season 10 of NBC's hit television show "The Biggest Loser" will be visiting cities all across America and we want to see you, your friends and family all there to make this healthy change. One of our world famous trainers, either Bob Harper or Jillian Michaels, will be in each city to reveal some of the contestants who will be on season 10 of "The Biggest Loser."
That's not all: the selected cities will be given a fitness challenge led by either Bob or Jillian and we want as many people there as possible - all shapes and sizes are welcome, you do not have to be overweight! It is not just about our contestants anymore, it is also about you and the millions of Americans who deserve to change their lives. Although this is not a casting call, our casting team will be there and want to hear your stories. Who knows, you just may be on a future season of the show.
Are you up for it? If so, then we'll see you at one of the cities listed below. Make sure to wear proper work-out attire with no visible logos. You must be at least 18-years-old in order to participate in the fitness challenge. The first 300 people to show up at each city will get a Biggest Loser t-shirt! There will be a maximum occupancy so make sure to arrive on time!
*If you chose to attend this event, you need to plan on being there for at least 8 hours (eat before you come; bring healthy snacks and water).
*Leave your bags in your car or have someone watch them while you are participating. We are not responsible for your personal items.
*Kids are welcome to attend, but will not be allowed to participate in the challenge. If you bring your kids, they will need adult supervision the entire time of the event.
Continue to check back for updates, locations, check-in times and more information at http://www.facebook.com/l/f1332;nbc.com/casting.
May 16, 2010
Detroit, MI
Ford World Headquarters
1 American Rd.
Dearborn, MI 48126
**Check-in is from 6 am to 9 am. Be there ON TIME or you may not be permitted in. **You can park in Ford parking lot 5 and lot 6. These lots are located on the east side of Ford World Headquarters
Right away I decided I HAD to be there I would do WHATEVER it took to be there. So i"ve been super excited ever since getting somebody to cover my shift at work (which I REALLY need to be working) telling everybody I see whats going on ... I mean really I very well may MEET BOB!!!!!!!!! I so hope so I might cry if I don't get a chance to give him a hug and get a picture taken with him. So it's Saturday night I'm super tired it's just after 11pm and my mom and I are getting up at 3am to leave at 345 am to go up there. I hope there's not a HUGE line. As much as I've been so excited the last few days I am completely and utterly nervous... I don't know why but I am a big bundle of excitement and nerves probably what an eight year old feels like before going to Disney world for the first time lol. Ok so I wanted to make sure you all knew what was going on because I will definently be signing on tommorow night or sometime Monday to tell you ALL about it.
Also I wanted to let you all know I am officially fitting into smaller sizes now!!!! I went to Lane Bryant the other day and tried on dresses in smaller sizes they're adorable. I'll try to post pics. Also while trying to decide what to wear tommorow I tried on a workout sweatsuit that my parents bought me for christmas like two years ago that never fit and guess what THEY DO NOW!!!! Also my mom went shopping and bought me some new workout clothes (which I am taking in case it gets super hot tommorow) shorts and a tshirt in PINK cause we're usually pink team fans and they're a REGULAR Extra large size no number in front just regular extra large hehe they fit on the first try both shorts and shirt super excited as Meghaan pointed out at work today next step is no extra at all hehe :) I'm so excited passing out for 3 1/2 hours now lol I'm going to be dead girl doing the challange tommorow lol thank goodness for caffeine :)
Tuesday, May 11
What a night
Hey Everybody,
So tonight has been CRZY!!!! I had THE most amazing workout tonight. I went to the gym around 5-530 did a regular workout with cardio then free weights and my balance ball crunches. BUT then I went to the Zumba class and OMG it was the time of my life so fun I could not stop smiling I didn't even care how I looked if I was doing the steps right or anything. I was just getting an amazing workout and having fun. I am hoping to officially sign up for the class starting in June.
But THEN THE BIGGEST LOSER, well it has me in a whirlwind. You know the saying.... be careful what you wish for? well it came at me full speed tonight. First through watching the show I'm like PLEASe let Michael stay he needs to be there so bad. So during the weight in I'm like please let him stay please please please then he makes it through and ashley's in the bottom. She is undeniebly the person I wanted to leave tonight I didn't think there was any way that Sunshine was going to be sent home then she was and I'm like shit I was furious if you saw my facebook update I made before the show was even over you woulod see that. ;)
Anyways tonights BL made me want to watch the very first episode again. Try to figure out what specifically it was about this season that finally just made it click for me. Obviously I've been watching this show for so long and it didn't happen till this season. My life has changed. I see myself changing on the inside and the outside. I can tell you one thing Daris and Stephanie have encouraged me SOOOO much. As we speak I am watching the beginning of this seasons first episode. Right now I am super excited that my mom wanted me to record all the episodes of this season and not delete any of them. These people are amazing. I mean jeeze it feels like a year ago that this season started. Can you imgagine getting that phone call saying your on the biggest loser? then to lose all that weight and be the happy person you always knew you could be. I mean if you've been watching Stephanie and Sam not only seeing how they've changed but watching them fall in love and how happy they've come. Daris I mean oh my gosh how I've fallen for him. He is so amazing he is so much like me and I have watched him go from a boy to a man in just a few months. I just checked the date that the first episode of this season took place and it was January 5th. like 2 weeks before I started my journey. I wish I had a better showing of how i'm changing. I practically have Daris' speech memorized "I will do everything I can to make you proud, and I will make myself proud to" I think thats how we all feel. All of us overweight people. We want to love ourselves more than anything. I can say one thing I do NOT miss Melissa.
When I was at the gym earlier today I tryed a spinning bike. and I was NOT comfortable. I don't know what it was I had lady working help me adjust the seat and everything but I don't know what it was I hated it. I'm ok on the regular bikes though so I've been thinking of challanging myself in some way. I keep trying to push myself to try something new. A couple of weeks ago I was walking on the tredmill and did my time on the eliptical I was feeling great so I challanged myself to run as far as I could on the track just to see what I could do I was aiming for once around the track. I figured I would really have to push myself but my adrenaline was up and I was feeling great so I thought I could do it. I was only able to go half way around the track. So now I'm thinking of challanging myself on a bike the same way the contestants did on the first week at the ranch. I don't think I'll try to go the marathon seeing as I'm NOT on the show and I won't have the medical personel on hand. WOW I totally forgot that the green team came in first place at the first challange but then theres the gray team right behind them. Thats my guys. :)
So I told you all that I pledged 15 pounds to the pound for pound challenge. I don't know when that is supposed to be reached by but I made my personal goal the finale of this season BL. That is May 25th 2 weeks from tonight. I weighed myself this morning and had lost one more pound bringing me down to 209 lbs. making my weightloss so far 11 lbs which means I only have 4 more lbs to go to reach my goal. :) I am so excited if I just keep making small goals like this, the time will fly by till I am at my goal weight. Right now that is seeming light years away. I know I will get there someday. Failure is no longer a possibility.
*I love it I just saw Bob tell Stephanie that she was 29 years old and she was going to hit 30 looking HOT. I find this so funny because what was Stephanie's welcome home event? Her 30th birthday and she did look HOT!!!! lol I love it*
*I also just learned that Sam is significantly younger than Stephanie which is surprising. Sam is only 23. thats the same age as me holy crap. I thought he was much older.*
I am now however renewing my goal of getting my arms to look half way decent for a wedding that is now only 2 weeks away which I cannot believe. I made this goal what feels like a long time ago. I have been working on my arms alot but I just don't feel like the results are very obvious I actually was talking to a couple of friends of mine from work that are following my journey and they said that they saw a difference but I just don't feel it's very significant. I have this dress to wear to this wedding and I haven't tried it on lately but I'm hoping to look amazing in it. My goal is still to wear it without a sweater to cover up my arms but right now I'm seeing that I've changed but I'm not sure if I do wear it without the sweater it's because my arms actually do look better or if I'm just more comfortable with my body from being at the gym so much. I don't know.
Anyways I think this post is long past babbling lol but I feel much better to have gotten all this out. plus my computer is about to die and I have to get this uploaded before that happens. SOOOO I will talk to you all soon I'm going to the gym again tommorow for another great workout. I'm gettin in the poool tommorow night :) and I'm going to work my arms harder to get rid of this damn flab. I'm going to up the free weights from 8 to 10 lbs. :) I remember when I moved from 5 to 8 hehe.
So tonight has been CRZY!!!! I had THE most amazing workout tonight. I went to the gym around 5-530 did a regular workout with cardio then free weights and my balance ball crunches. BUT then I went to the Zumba class and OMG it was the time of my life so fun I could not stop smiling I didn't even care how I looked if I was doing the steps right or anything. I was just getting an amazing workout and having fun. I am hoping to officially sign up for the class starting in June.
But THEN THE BIGGEST LOSER, well it has me in a whirlwind. You know the saying.... be careful what you wish for? well it came at me full speed tonight. First through watching the show I'm like PLEASe let Michael stay he needs to be there so bad. So during the weight in I'm like please let him stay please please please then he makes it through and ashley's in the bottom. She is undeniebly the person I wanted to leave tonight I didn't think there was any way that Sunshine was going to be sent home then she was and I'm like shit I was furious if you saw my facebook update I made before the show was even over you woulod see that. ;)
Anyways tonights BL made me want to watch the very first episode again. Try to figure out what specifically it was about this season that finally just made it click for me. Obviously I've been watching this show for so long and it didn't happen till this season. My life has changed. I see myself changing on the inside and the outside. I can tell you one thing Daris and Stephanie have encouraged me SOOOO much. As we speak I am watching the beginning of this seasons first episode. Right now I am super excited that my mom wanted me to record all the episodes of this season and not delete any of them. These people are amazing. I mean jeeze it feels like a year ago that this season started. Can you imgagine getting that phone call saying your on the biggest loser? then to lose all that weight and be the happy person you always knew you could be. I mean if you've been watching Stephanie and Sam not only seeing how they've changed but watching them fall in love and how happy they've come. Daris I mean oh my gosh how I've fallen for him. He is so amazing he is so much like me and I have watched him go from a boy to a man in just a few months. I just checked the date that the first episode of this season took place and it was January 5th. like 2 weeks before I started my journey. I wish I had a better showing of how i'm changing. I practically have Daris' speech memorized "I will do everything I can to make you proud, and I will make myself proud to" I think thats how we all feel. All of us overweight people. We want to love ourselves more than anything. I can say one thing I do NOT miss Melissa.
When I was at the gym earlier today I tryed a spinning bike. and I was NOT comfortable. I don't know what it was I had lady working help me adjust the seat and everything but I don't know what it was I hated it. I'm ok on the regular bikes though so I've been thinking of challanging myself in some way. I keep trying to push myself to try something new. A couple of weeks ago I was walking on the tredmill and did my time on the eliptical I was feeling great so I challanged myself to run as far as I could on the track just to see what I could do I was aiming for once around the track. I figured I would really have to push myself but my adrenaline was up and I was feeling great so I thought I could do it. I was only able to go half way around the track. So now I'm thinking of challanging myself on a bike the same way the contestants did on the first week at the ranch. I don't think I'll try to go the marathon seeing as I'm NOT on the show and I won't have the medical personel on hand. WOW I totally forgot that the green team came in first place at the first challange but then theres the gray team right behind them. Thats my guys. :)
So I told you all that I pledged 15 pounds to the pound for pound challenge. I don't know when that is supposed to be reached by but I made my personal goal the finale of this season BL. That is May 25th 2 weeks from tonight. I weighed myself this morning and had lost one more pound bringing me down to 209 lbs. making my weightloss so far 11 lbs which means I only have 4 more lbs to go to reach my goal. :) I am so excited if I just keep making small goals like this, the time will fly by till I am at my goal weight. Right now that is seeming light years away. I know I will get there someday. Failure is no longer a possibility.
*I love it I just saw Bob tell Stephanie that she was 29 years old and she was going to hit 30 looking HOT. I find this so funny because what was Stephanie's welcome home event? Her 30th birthday and she did look HOT!!!! lol I love it*
*I also just learned that Sam is significantly younger than Stephanie which is surprising. Sam is only 23. thats the same age as me holy crap. I thought he was much older.*
I am now however renewing my goal of getting my arms to look half way decent for a wedding that is now only 2 weeks away which I cannot believe. I made this goal what feels like a long time ago. I have been working on my arms alot but I just don't feel like the results are very obvious I actually was talking to a couple of friends of mine from work that are following my journey and they said that they saw a difference but I just don't feel it's very significant. I have this dress to wear to this wedding and I haven't tried it on lately but I'm hoping to look amazing in it. My goal is still to wear it without a sweater to cover up my arms but right now I'm seeing that I've changed but I'm not sure if I do wear it without the sweater it's because my arms actually do look better or if I'm just more comfortable with my body from being at the gym so much. I don't know.
Anyways I think this post is long past babbling lol but I feel much better to have gotten all this out. plus my computer is about to die and I have to get this uploaded before that happens. SOOOO I will talk to you all soon I'm going to the gym again tommorow for another great workout. I'm gettin in the poool tommorow night :) and I'm going to work my arms harder to get rid of this damn flab. I'm going to up the free weights from 8 to 10 lbs. :) I remember when I moved from 5 to 8 hehe.
Thursday, May 6
Makeover week :)
Hey Everybody,
Soooo.... those make-overs were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Everybody looked SO great not that they didn't look great before the makeover but I'm just saying it completes the transformation kind of. It lets you see how far you've actually come. And when your working out ALL THE TIME and staying on the ranch most of the time spending all your time with the same people week in and week out, you forget how your changing. You don't quite get the perspective. Like Me for instance, I work 2 jobs and most weeks am at one of them if not both at least 5 days a week. One place, Panera bread, I wear a hat my entire shift, my hair does not look great after being in a hat all day. Then I go to my other job, Bob Evans, and don't have time to make my hair "cute" between the two jobs. So what I'm trying to say is that I don't style my hair very often as I assume the girls on the Ranch probably didn't/don't either. Also you don't work out in cute clothes usually your in sweats and tshirts or some type of workout clothes. It's nice to "cutsie" yourself up every once in a while and see what your creating. For me that was Tuesday and Today (Thursday) Tuesday I had some errands to do which included stopping at Panera. So since it was nice and warm outside I wore a skirt and a cute shirt and styled my hair all cute and even put makeup on which is out of the ordinary for me. BUT since I've been on this weightloss journey I've been trying to do more often, it kind of all comes together at the same time at least for me. In the past I've not really cared too much what I looked like. I figured I'm fat guys don't look at me I'm never going to have a boyfriend always relating it back to the stupid guys, not realizing that when a girl/woman gets "cleaned up" makeup on, hair did, nice clothes, it's not for guys lol it's for US!!!! We feel better about ourselves when we do that. :) So I've definently been feeling better about myself by just doing those things and I don't think I would have STARTED doing those things if it weren't for the results I'm seeing with my weightloss. For instance this morning I went to the gym. It has been a VERY long time since I went to the gym in the morning. I love my day when I get up early to go to the gym but I also LOVE to sleep in. Anyways I didn't wear my usual workout "uniform" Instead I wore a hoodie and a pair of shorts that I hardly ever wear (becuase they're "homemade" lol they're an old pair of sweat pants that were WAAAY to long for me so I hand cut them into shorts lol. Anyways I almost never wear them because they showed my "bulge" or "second-tummy" wayy too much I see this as a huge milestone because they only time I did wear these shorts usually was when i was going swimming. I always wear shorts over my swimsuit when i swim because my thighs are SOOO ugly. lol that has not gone away yet BUT these shorts always had a second tummy popping right out for everybody to see. NOT TODAY!!!!! you could hardly tell there was a second tummy at all it's practically almost gone. It's turned into HIPS still very big hips but hips nonetheless. :) I know I'm majorly rambling but I was very excited about this lol. Anyways after seeing this I got showered up (thinking I had to be to work at 11) Got out of the shower and ready earlier than normal so I decided to blow dry my hair (I usually let it air dry) I got my hair cut about 3 weeks ago and people are just now noticing because I'm actually styling it lol and it's SOOO cute I'm practically in love with my hair. :) So I go to work just to find out I wasn't supposed to work today (unfortunatly my hours are being majorly cut, don't worry I set my manager straight that this CANNOT keep up) But the good part is that I got to show off my cute hair everybody loves it almost as much as me. Anyways back to TBL. Sam is HOOOTTTTT I wasn't that into him before and he's not quite my type as much as I believe Daris to be but DAMNNN that boy is sexy lol. I love Daris's hair now that it's cut it can slick it back or have the "bushy" look in the front depending on his attitude that day. I really felt bad for Michael but he needs to remember how far he's come already and just keep going I mean jeez last season Shay (one of my favorites) was sent home the week she lost a whopping 17 pounds THATS INSANE!!!! But even though Michael was feeling crappy after still having to shop at the "big boy" store he looked amazing and cute too loved his hair cut and I always love it when a mans face gets cleaned up, I'm not one for facial hair but to each his own. Sunshine looked like freaking Beyonce I cannot wait till she loses the rest of her weight if she's that beautiful now imagine what she's going to look like when she's at her goal weight AMAZING :) who am I forgetting? oh Koli He looked good but I don't feel like his look changed a whole lot. Not dissapointed just not "WOWED" like I was with everybody else. Oh yeah and Ashley, not a big fan she's done amazing with her weightloss and everything we're just very very different people and I wasn't that thrilled with her outfit and they didnt' really do anything special with her hair so I'm just like "whatever" with her. Hoping she's the one to go home next week. It's getting so close to the end I'm kind of sad. This has been my favorite cast so far. Season 5, was one of my favorites too with Bernie and Brittany, Ali, and Dan. Everybody is just so FRIENDLY!!! I like that in a group of people. I'm interested in what gets more ratings. When they play the game hard core and go against each other or when they become a family and stay friendly to each other throughout the entire show. I can relate myself entirely to this cast of people. It would all have been perfect if I could have been there instead of Melissa always trying to get everybody to play the game thinking that that was all it was about. crazy woman lol. I'll bet you this cast of people are THE most successful with getting to their goal weight and STAYING there because of their positive experience on the Ranch. :) One last thing I want to throw out there to all of my "loyal" followers. I'm getting alot of questions about how much weight I've actually lost. I keep saying I don't know but I want to be real with all of you. I acutally have been checking periodically but I still hold true to not knowing becuase I've checked on two different scales and they both have totally different results. I use my one at home and the one in the gym at the Y. I started off on the one at the gym saying starting weight was 220lbs on January 19th then I weighed in February 19th and I had lost 3 lbs down to 217 pounds I haven't weighed in at that scale again until today and it said I was only at 216lbs which I really don't believe becuase I've seen such a drastic change in my body, and the clothes that I wear fitting so much better. Now my scale at home about a week ago said i had lost 10lbs and was down to 210 lbs for obvious reasons thats the one I'm choosing to believe ;) I will recheck sometime soon and let you know what it said. I did sign up for the Biggest losers pound for pound challange where you pledge a certain amount of weight to lose by a certain time and then that weight is doubled and donated in food to food banks in this area. I had pledged to lose 15 lbs by the finale of this seasons Biggest Loser so... thats what I'm aiming for right now we shall see. Ok well I think this post is long past long enough and I really made up for some of the past weeks of not writing very much so...... I'll sign off I really hope people are still reading this becuase I haven't been getting very many comments latley. But it's more for myself but I really appreciate everybody's feedback even if it's just a good job or even better if your on a journey as well share it with the rest of us. Enough babbling I'm out :)
Soooo.... those make-overs were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Everybody looked SO great not that they didn't look great before the makeover but I'm just saying it completes the transformation kind of. It lets you see how far you've actually come. And when your working out ALL THE TIME and staying on the ranch most of the time spending all your time with the same people week in and week out, you forget how your changing. You don't quite get the perspective. Like Me for instance, I work 2 jobs and most weeks am at one of them if not both at least 5 days a week. One place, Panera bread, I wear a hat my entire shift, my hair does not look great after being in a hat all day. Then I go to my other job, Bob Evans, and don't have time to make my hair "cute" between the two jobs. So what I'm trying to say is that I don't style my hair very often as I assume the girls on the Ranch probably didn't/don't either. Also you don't work out in cute clothes usually your in sweats and tshirts or some type of workout clothes. It's nice to "cutsie" yourself up every once in a while and see what your creating. For me that was Tuesday and Today (Thursday) Tuesday I had some errands to do which included stopping at Panera. So since it was nice and warm outside I wore a skirt and a cute shirt and styled my hair all cute and even put makeup on which is out of the ordinary for me. BUT since I've been on this weightloss journey I've been trying to do more often, it kind of all comes together at the same time at least for me. In the past I've not really cared too much what I looked like. I figured I'm fat guys don't look at me I'm never going to have a boyfriend always relating it back to the stupid guys, not realizing that when a girl/woman gets "cleaned up" makeup on, hair did, nice clothes, it's not for guys lol it's for US!!!! We feel better about ourselves when we do that. :) So I've definently been feeling better about myself by just doing those things and I don't think I would have STARTED doing those things if it weren't for the results I'm seeing with my weightloss. For instance this morning I went to the gym. It has been a VERY long time since I went to the gym in the morning. I love my day when I get up early to go to the gym but I also LOVE to sleep in. Anyways I didn't wear my usual workout "uniform" Instead I wore a hoodie and a pair of shorts that I hardly ever wear (becuase they're "homemade" lol they're an old pair of sweat pants that were WAAAY to long for me so I hand cut them into shorts lol. Anyways I almost never wear them because they showed my "bulge" or "second-tummy" wayy too much I see this as a huge milestone because they only time I did wear these shorts usually was when i was going swimming. I always wear shorts over my swimsuit when i swim because my thighs are SOOO ugly. lol that has not gone away yet BUT these shorts always had a second tummy popping right out for everybody to see. NOT TODAY!!!!! you could hardly tell there was a second tummy at all it's practically almost gone. It's turned into HIPS still very big hips but hips nonetheless. :) I know I'm majorly rambling but I was very excited about this lol. Anyways after seeing this I got showered up (thinking I had to be to work at 11) Got out of the shower and ready earlier than normal so I decided to blow dry my hair (I usually let it air dry) I got my hair cut about 3 weeks ago and people are just now noticing because I'm actually styling it lol and it's SOOO cute I'm practically in love with my hair. :) So I go to work just to find out I wasn't supposed to work today (unfortunatly my hours are being majorly cut, don't worry I set my manager straight that this CANNOT keep up) But the good part is that I got to show off my cute hair everybody loves it almost as much as me. Anyways back to TBL. Sam is HOOOTTTTT I wasn't that into him before and he's not quite my type as much as I believe Daris to be but DAMNNN that boy is sexy lol. I love Daris's hair now that it's cut it can slick it back or have the "bushy" look in the front depending on his attitude that day. I really felt bad for Michael but he needs to remember how far he's come already and just keep going I mean jeez last season Shay (one of my favorites) was sent home the week she lost a whopping 17 pounds THATS INSANE!!!! But even though Michael was feeling crappy after still having to shop at the "big boy" store he looked amazing and cute too loved his hair cut and I always love it when a mans face gets cleaned up, I'm not one for facial hair but to each his own. Sunshine looked like freaking Beyonce I cannot wait till she loses the rest of her weight if she's that beautiful now imagine what she's going to look like when she's at her goal weight AMAZING :) who am I forgetting? oh Koli He looked good but I don't feel like his look changed a whole lot. Not dissapointed just not "WOWED" like I was with everybody else. Oh yeah and Ashley, not a big fan she's done amazing with her weightloss and everything we're just very very different people and I wasn't that thrilled with her outfit and they didnt' really do anything special with her hair so I'm just like "whatever" with her. Hoping she's the one to go home next week. It's getting so close to the end I'm kind of sad. This has been my favorite cast so far. Season 5, was one of my favorites too with Bernie and Brittany, Ali, and Dan. Everybody is just so FRIENDLY!!! I like that in a group of people. I'm interested in what gets more ratings. When they play the game hard core and go against each other or when they become a family and stay friendly to each other throughout the entire show. I can relate myself entirely to this cast of people. It would all have been perfect if I could have been there instead of Melissa always trying to get everybody to play the game thinking that that was all it was about. crazy woman lol. I'll bet you this cast of people are THE most successful with getting to their goal weight and STAYING there because of their positive experience on the Ranch. :) One last thing I want to throw out there to all of my "loyal" followers. I'm getting alot of questions about how much weight I've actually lost. I keep saying I don't know but I want to be real with all of you. I acutally have been checking periodically but I still hold true to not knowing becuase I've checked on two different scales and they both have totally different results. I use my one at home and the one in the gym at the Y. I started off on the one at the gym saying starting weight was 220lbs on January 19th then I weighed in February 19th and I had lost 3 lbs down to 217 pounds I haven't weighed in at that scale again until today and it said I was only at 216lbs which I really don't believe becuase I've seen such a drastic change in my body, and the clothes that I wear fitting so much better. Now my scale at home about a week ago said i had lost 10lbs and was down to 210 lbs for obvious reasons thats the one I'm choosing to believe ;) I will recheck sometime soon and let you know what it said. I did sign up for the Biggest losers pound for pound challange where you pledge a certain amount of weight to lose by a certain time and then that weight is doubled and donated in food to food banks in this area. I had pledged to lose 15 lbs by the finale of this seasons Biggest Loser so... thats what I'm aiming for right now we shall see. Ok well I think this post is long past long enough and I really made up for some of the past weeks of not writing very much so...... I'll sign off I really hope people are still reading this becuase I haven't been getting very many comments latley. But it's more for myself but I really appreciate everybody's feedback even if it's just a good job or even better if your on a journey as well share it with the rest of us. Enough babbling I'm out :)
Monday, May 3
preparing for makeover week
Hey Everybody,
Soooo I just did something really exciting.... so I'm facebook friends with Bob Harper from TBL along with a bunch of other past and current contestants. So today Bob Posted about a contest that he's doing and the winner gets two tickets to fly to L.A. and two tickets to the Biggest Loser Finale.......... :) HOW AMAZING would that be? I almost cried while I was filling out the form because I was so freaking excited if I actually won. OMG I can't even let myself hope for that. :) lol.
So I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile I have missed you all. I only went to the gym twice last week which is not good but On the flipside when I did go I was there for multiple hours and had GREAT workouts. :) I have three days in a row off from work so I will be at the gym alot in the next couple of days I was really hoping to go today but can't afford the gas my gas light has been on and I don't get paid till tommorow :( first thing I do after getting gas is going to be to hit the gym :) Also we (my parents and I ) are having company over for dinner Wednesday night and I am in charge of making dessert I'm for sure going to make something healthy and I wanted to make something new and creative but I haven't been able to find any recipes... any suggestion? other wise I'm just going to stick with the berry crisp I made for my parents awhile back. it's yummy and easy and healthy but I was hoping to make something new. Anywyas I hope to get alot of feedback. Talk to you all soon. Ohhhhh almost forgot to mention tommorow night is makeover week on THE BIGGEST LOSER. I'm sooooo super excited as I wrote on facebook, THe three most important episodes of TBL are the premiere the makeover and the finale. I wish it was tommorow already :)
Soooo I just did something really exciting.... so I'm facebook friends with Bob Harper from TBL along with a bunch of other past and current contestants. So today Bob Posted about a contest that he's doing and the winner gets two tickets to fly to L.A. and two tickets to the Biggest Loser Finale.......... :) HOW AMAZING would that be? I almost cried while I was filling out the form because I was so freaking excited if I actually won. OMG I can't even let myself hope for that. :) lol.
So I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile I have missed you all. I only went to the gym twice last week which is not good but On the flipside when I did go I was there for multiple hours and had GREAT workouts. :) I have three days in a row off from work so I will be at the gym alot in the next couple of days I was really hoping to go today but can't afford the gas my gas light has been on and I don't get paid till tommorow :( first thing I do after getting gas is going to be to hit the gym :) Also we (my parents and I ) are having company over for dinner Wednesday night and I am in charge of making dessert I'm for sure going to make something healthy and I wanted to make something new and creative but I haven't been able to find any recipes... any suggestion? other wise I'm just going to stick with the berry crisp I made for my parents awhile back. it's yummy and easy and healthy but I was hoping to make something new. Anywyas I hope to get alot of feedback. Talk to you all soon. Ohhhhh almost forgot to mention tommorow night is makeover week on THE BIGGEST LOSER. I'm sooooo super excited as I wrote on facebook, THe three most important episodes of TBL are the premiere the makeover and the finale. I wish it was tommorow already :)
Saturday, April 24
Should be getting ready for work ;)
Hey Everybody,
So I'm home now... and so happy to be. Vacations are great but it's usually nice to get back to real life. I got FLOWERS yesterday.... :) One of my "sisters" got them for me (thanks Jen) I love them, they're beautiful lilies and they smell sooooooo amazing. This is the same "sister" that sent me the starbucks giftcard. Little reminders that lets me know my blog IS being followed and people like to read it and see how I'm doing and are impressed and proud of the progress I've had.... SO I'm keeping it up :)
I got home from Columbus on Wednesday afternoon and literally an hour after I got home I was already headed to the gym (my dog was VERY mad at me: she had missed me VERY much.) AAnyways I had a great workout at the gym Wednesday night stayed pretty late. Then Thursday I had to work both jobs but I went to the gym afterwards and the workout wasn't as great as it normally was I tried out a new machine that was interesting and had my heartrate up for a while but I was only on it for like 10 minutes it was kind of boring and uncomfortable I might try it out again soon though and see if I can stay on for longer I remember when i was only able to do 5 minutes on the eliptical now my regular warmup for my workouts is a half hour on one and occasionally I do a full hour :) I was supposed to go to the gym and get weighed yesterday(Friday) morning but i overslept and had to get to work so didn't have time to go. Then last night I worked both jobs and technically had all three jobs cause I had to come straight home and assemble papers for the paper route. Stayed up super late and now I'm just getting up and have to head to work again. this is my life I'd like to welcome you all to the KJS show (doesn't rhyme as well but whatever lol)
After being in Columbus for 5 days and 6 nights I was feeling pretty crappy about my diet and workouts. I have to admit I don't think I did too bad. I walked my sisters boyfriends dog 3 times I think it was in a beautiful park behind his house. Thats the ONLY workouts (if you consider that one) I got it. Then I did really well packing lunch stuff as you all know from my previous post but unfortunatly alot of that food ended up having to be thrown out from water absorbtion from the ice melting in the cooler. it was pretty gross but we did use alot of it for lunches. crackers sandwhiches fruit and veggies. but then we also ate dinner out almost every night I think we had one night that we had dinner at the house. So anyways none of that really matters you just all know how I love to babble the moral of the story is that I was not feeling very confident in what had taken place while in Columbus. But to my happy suprise I get home and actually feel like some of my clothes are significantly looser. My Bob's work shirts are definently alot looser. Also I have a pair of pajamas that I'm wearing right now that I got for christmas this year that had been a little tight even before I left for Columbus that now feel looser and I think look better than they had before :) yay. I am completely aware that I might be a little crazy and nothing has actually changed since I went to COlumbus and all of these things looked better before then but I'm just going to keep on keeping on and you all can believe what you want to. :) So that's it I'm gonna go get ready for work now. BYES
So I'm home now... and so happy to be. Vacations are great but it's usually nice to get back to real life. I got FLOWERS yesterday.... :) One of my "sisters" got them for me (thanks Jen) I love them, they're beautiful lilies and they smell sooooooo amazing. This is the same "sister" that sent me the starbucks giftcard. Little reminders that lets me know my blog IS being followed and people like to read it and see how I'm doing and are impressed and proud of the progress I've had.... SO I'm keeping it up :)
I got home from Columbus on Wednesday afternoon and literally an hour after I got home I was already headed to the gym (my dog was VERY mad at me: she had missed me VERY much.) AAnyways I had a great workout at the gym Wednesday night stayed pretty late. Then Thursday I had to work both jobs but I went to the gym afterwards and the workout wasn't as great as it normally was I tried out a new machine that was interesting and had my heartrate up for a while but I was only on it for like 10 minutes it was kind of boring and uncomfortable I might try it out again soon though and see if I can stay on for longer I remember when i was only able to do 5 minutes on the eliptical now my regular warmup for my workouts is a half hour on one and occasionally I do a full hour :) I was supposed to go to the gym and get weighed yesterday(Friday) morning but i overslept and had to get to work so didn't have time to go. Then last night I worked both jobs and technically had all three jobs cause I had to come straight home and assemble papers for the paper route. Stayed up super late and now I'm just getting up and have to head to work again. this is my life I'd like to welcome you all to the KJS show (doesn't rhyme as well but whatever lol)
After being in Columbus for 5 days and 6 nights I was feeling pretty crappy about my diet and workouts. I have to admit I don't think I did too bad. I walked my sisters boyfriends dog 3 times I think it was in a beautiful park behind his house. Thats the ONLY workouts (if you consider that one) I got it. Then I did really well packing lunch stuff as you all know from my previous post but unfortunatly alot of that food ended up having to be thrown out from water absorbtion from the ice melting in the cooler. it was pretty gross but we did use alot of it for lunches. crackers sandwhiches fruit and veggies. but then we also ate dinner out almost every night I think we had one night that we had dinner at the house. So anyways none of that really matters you just all know how I love to babble the moral of the story is that I was not feeling very confident in what had taken place while in Columbus. But to my happy suprise I get home and actually feel like some of my clothes are significantly looser. My Bob's work shirts are definently alot looser. Also I have a pair of pajamas that I'm wearing right now that I got for christmas this year that had been a little tight even before I left for Columbus that now feel looser and I think look better than they had before :) yay. I am completely aware that I might be a little crazy and nothing has actually changed since I went to COlumbus and all of these things looked better before then but I'm just going to keep on keeping on and you all can believe what you want to. :) So that's it I'm gonna go get ready for work now. BYES
Monday, April 19
Hey Everybody,
So I'm sorry I've been Missing latley. I have been in Columbus with my sister since Thursday and I'm comming home on Wednesday so it's been a crazy week. Add to that an amazing seminar that my sis and I did over the weekend: had today off then go back tommorow night to finish up, and you have a very mentally exhausted girl that has nothing to give to her blog. So I wanted to apologize to anyone waiting for a post. I also just want to update you that I had a good workout on um... it was either Tuesday or Wednesday I can't remember I apologize....maybe it was both days I can't really remember right now... like I said mentally exhausted. Anyways since I've been here I haven't given completely up on my diet and exercise. Actually it's on my mind QUITE often. :) In preparing to come down here I grocery shopped cleaned and packaged a ton of healthy foods into a full size cooler and lunch box/picnic basket. I bought, washed, cut, and bagged; strawberries, blueberries, grapes, apples, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and celery. In addition I bought; turkey, ham, cheese, oh shit I just remembered avacodo that we never cut up and used ;( honey wheat bread that I got for free :) almonds, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, and special K bars, small milks, juice and diet pop. which I proudly have only drank 2 in the last.... 5 days :) I was READY!!!!! You know that whole thing people say about being prepared ahead of time being good for a diet, it's completely true. Having all these things in the car made snacks and meals way easier. Also it's been a little challanging getting alot of exercise in for the fact that this seminars we're doing is from 9am to 10 pm. Sitting most of the time. We get 2 half hour breaks and one 1 1/2 hour break every day then every break and every night you have assignments you work on. So there's almost no down time. However On Thursday night when I got here I went with my sister and her boyfriend to walk their dog... There is a beautiful park behind my sis's boyfriends house. Great for walking so we went Thursday night then Friday saturday and sunday while we were doing to seminar I made a point of taking walks around the Parking lot of the conference center during the breaks. Then today we didn't have to go to the seminar So I doggy sat while "mommy and daddy" were at work. I played and walked the puppy that that felt really great but I'm very anxious to get home and back to the gym. I just found out today that I don't have to work on Wednesday (the day I'm coming home) So I am going to make a point of being home in time to make it to the gym. Alright well I just wanted to update all of you on what was going to so I'm gonna get some sleep now so I will say goodnight... GOODNIGHT :)
So I'm sorry I've been Missing latley. I have been in Columbus with my sister since Thursday and I'm comming home on Wednesday so it's been a crazy week. Add to that an amazing seminar that my sis and I did over the weekend: had today off then go back tommorow night to finish up, and you have a very mentally exhausted girl that has nothing to give to her blog. So I wanted to apologize to anyone waiting for a post. I also just want to update you that I had a good workout on um... it was either Tuesday or Wednesday I can't remember I apologize....maybe it was both days I can't really remember right now... like I said mentally exhausted. Anyways since I've been here I haven't given completely up on my diet and exercise. Actually it's on my mind QUITE often. :) In preparing to come down here I grocery shopped cleaned and packaged a ton of healthy foods into a full size cooler and lunch box/picnic basket. I bought, washed, cut, and bagged; strawberries, blueberries, grapes, apples, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and celery. In addition I bought; turkey, ham, cheese, oh shit I just remembered avacodo that we never cut up and used ;( honey wheat bread that I got for free :) almonds, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, and special K bars, small milks, juice and diet pop. which I proudly have only drank 2 in the last.... 5 days :) I was READY!!!!! You know that whole thing people say about being prepared ahead of time being good for a diet, it's completely true. Having all these things in the car made snacks and meals way easier. Also it's been a little challanging getting alot of exercise in for the fact that this seminars we're doing is from 9am to 10 pm. Sitting most of the time. We get 2 half hour breaks and one 1 1/2 hour break every day then every break and every night you have assignments you work on. So there's almost no down time. However On Thursday night when I got here I went with my sister and her boyfriend to walk their dog... There is a beautiful park behind my sis's boyfriends house. Great for walking so we went Thursday night then Friday saturday and sunday while we were doing to seminar I made a point of taking walks around the Parking lot of the conference center during the breaks. Then today we didn't have to go to the seminar So I doggy sat while "mommy and daddy" were at work. I played and walked the puppy that that felt really great but I'm very anxious to get home and back to the gym. I just found out today that I don't have to work on Wednesday (the day I'm coming home) So I am going to make a point of being home in time to make it to the gym. Alright well I just wanted to update all of you on what was going to so I'm gonna get some sleep now so I will say goodnight... GOODNIGHT :)
Tuesday, April 13
Season 10 down the drain....
Hi everybody,
SO I have to try to make this kind of quick cause I'm tired and have to get up in the A.M. I just wanted to let everyone know that after tonights episode of the biggest loser I was inspired to once again take the plunge into the sea of BL auditioning. I was all ready to email the friend of the family that has offered to help me make my audition tape (like he did last time) But I figured I should have the specifics of when it needed to be mailed in and everything so I started my hunt for when the deadline was.... not an easy feat. Finally just moments ago I found that TODAY WAS THE DEADLINE FOR SEASON TEN!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRR thats what procrastinating will get you. So now I have to wait for season 11 casting to begin. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens till then.
So as I was planning I went to the gym tonight but my workout wasn't nearly as inspired as last night. I just wasn't into it. I did it though my half hour on the eliptical then my weights and crunches. I did feel way better after my workout though so just goes to show.... I'm a little dissapointed in myself this week. I'm feeling like my clothes that were feeling looser aren't quite so much anymore... .it's a possssibilty that I'm imagining things but the only answer is to keep up the great workouts. I'm going to be down in Columbus for a week so we'll see how that goes... I'll keep you updated. bye bye for now. :)
SO I have to try to make this kind of quick cause I'm tired and have to get up in the A.M. I just wanted to let everyone know that after tonights episode of the biggest loser I was inspired to once again take the plunge into the sea of BL auditioning. I was all ready to email the friend of the family that has offered to help me make my audition tape (like he did last time) But I figured I should have the specifics of when it needed to be mailed in and everything so I started my hunt for when the deadline was.... not an easy feat. Finally just moments ago I found that TODAY WAS THE DEADLINE FOR SEASON TEN!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRR thats what procrastinating will get you. So now I have to wait for season 11 casting to begin. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens till then.
So as I was planning I went to the gym tonight but my workout wasn't nearly as inspired as last night. I just wasn't into it. I did it though my half hour on the eliptical then my weights and crunches. I did feel way better after my workout though so just goes to show.... I'm a little dissapointed in myself this week. I'm feeling like my clothes that were feeling looser aren't quite so much anymore... .it's a possssibilty that I'm imagining things but the only answer is to keep up the great workouts. I'm going to be down in Columbus for a week so we'll see how that goes... I'll keep you updated. bye bye for now. :)
Monday, April 12
Back in the Saddle
Hi Everybody,
SO I have learned that if I have a good day/night than I have to post on here right away instead of waiting till the next day cause then I never do. So thats what I'm doing now. I had a great night. I finally got a good long workout in tonight. I have been making it to the gym still. Doing my workouts but I haven't had time to do the long workouts like I used to. But I have been missing that. I think I finally got past the point in my weightloss journey where just making it to the gym on a regular basis. I now have the need to not only get to the gym and do some measely 1/2 hour to an hour workout. I actually have the need to do 2 to 3 hour workouts like I did tonight. I am very proud of myself this evening. I started the evening off at 5:30 on the Tredmill watching Gilmore Girls for 1/2 an hour this is great becuase I have been very anti-tredmill lately but I haven't seen a whole lot of my favorite show latley and the tredmill was the only tv open so I jumped at it. I was happy with myself for staying on for a full half hour. I stayed steady at an incline of 2.0 and moved my speed between 2.0 and 3.2 and towards the end after I reached my mile goal I pushed up my incline just to see if I could. I felt great. Then at 615 I moved onto the eliptical. Which I did for an additional 1/2 hour I stuck with a resistance of 1 which isn't the greatest but it's better than 0. varying my incline between 1and 13. I then moved onto my arm weights. This is where I feel like I could have done better. For some reason i just wasn't feeling it but I did make it through then moved onto my new routine of doing balance ball crunches. Which is awesome I'm sure my stomach is going to kill tommorow but that means it's working :D Oh no thats not the end of my workout. I moved onto the pool to do some relaxing exercise after kicking my butt upstairs in the gym. I spent some time in the cold pool then some time in the warm pool. Then I did double relax time in the sauna before getting cozy and comming home. Have I mentioned latley how much I LOVE the YMCA and am SOOOOO happy I joined. I plan to do it all over again tommorow. :) Talk to you all tommorow. BYE
SO I have learned that if I have a good day/night than I have to post on here right away instead of waiting till the next day cause then I never do. So thats what I'm doing now. I had a great night. I finally got a good long workout in tonight. I have been making it to the gym still. Doing my workouts but I haven't had time to do the long workouts like I used to. But I have been missing that. I think I finally got past the point in my weightloss journey where just making it to the gym on a regular basis. I now have the need to not only get to the gym and do some measely 1/2 hour to an hour workout. I actually have the need to do 2 to 3 hour workouts like I did tonight. I am very proud of myself this evening. I started the evening off at 5:30 on the Tredmill watching Gilmore Girls for 1/2 an hour this is great becuase I have been very anti-tredmill lately but I haven't seen a whole lot of my favorite show latley and the tredmill was the only tv open so I jumped at it. I was happy with myself for staying on for a full half hour. I stayed steady at an incline of 2.0 and moved my speed between 2.0 and 3.2 and towards the end after I reached my mile goal I pushed up my incline just to see if I could. I felt great. Then at 615 I moved onto the eliptical. Which I did for an additional 1/2 hour I stuck with a resistance of 1 which isn't the greatest but it's better than 0. varying my incline between 1and 13. I then moved onto my arm weights. This is where I feel like I could have done better. For some reason i just wasn't feeling it but I did make it through then moved onto my new routine of doing balance ball crunches. Which is awesome I'm sure my stomach is going to kill tommorow but that means it's working :D Oh no thats not the end of my workout. I moved onto the pool to do some relaxing exercise after kicking my butt upstairs in the gym. I spent some time in the cold pool then some time in the warm pool. Then I did double relax time in the sauna before getting cozy and comming home. Have I mentioned latley how much I LOVE the YMCA and am SOOOOO happy I joined. I plan to do it all over again tommorow. :) Talk to you all tommorow. BYE
Wednesday, April 7
More BL heros
Monday, April 5
My Hero's
Hey Everybody,
So this post is going to be a picture post. What do I mean by that? Well see how the Title is Hero's? Well I'm going to post pictures of some of my hero's in weightloss and in general. I haven't given this alot of thought it's just coming to me and I'm running with it. Let me know what you think. Oh and I hope you like the new look. I thought it was time for a makeover. I still want to change a little more but as we all know... change comes over time ;) ;)

So this post is going to be a picture post. What do I mean by that? Well see how the Title is Hero's? Well I'm going to post pictures of some of my hero's in weightloss and in general. I haven't given this alot of thought it's just coming to me and I'm running with it. Let me know what you think. Oh and I hope you like the new look. I thought it was time for a makeover. I still want to change a little more but as we all know... change comes over time ;) ;)

Wednesday, March 31
So Sad
Hi Everybody,
So I feel Super crappy today. I'm actually here at the Y toi workout but can't seem to get into it. I went to bed last night not feeling the greatest. And woke up this morning feeling even worse down right SICK!!!! I actually wanted to post last night after I watched TBL but like I said waaaay too tired. It was great. I wanted to cry like 5 times. I do admit that might have had a little to do with the cold I was coming down with. But still last night was great except for MELISSA coming back that made me very sad. But I'm sure this season was just being a little too "nice" not getting enough drama so had to bring her back for that. Anyways I need peoples feedback on how to continue on working out and keeping up the good work while feeling like crap and like you can't move a muscle.
So I feel Super crappy today. I'm actually here at the Y toi workout but can't seem to get into it. I went to bed last night not feeling the greatest. And woke up this morning feeling even worse down right SICK!!!! I actually wanted to post last night after I watched TBL but like I said waaaay too tired. It was great. I wanted to cry like 5 times. I do admit that might have had a little to do with the cold I was coming down with. But still last night was great except for MELISSA coming back that made me very sad. But I'm sure this season was just being a little too "nice" not getting enough drama so had to bring her back for that. Anyways I need peoples feedback on how to continue on working out and keeping up the good work while feeling like crap and like you can't move a muscle.
Friday, March 26
Hi Everybody,
So I'm super excited, I have been religiously checking my blog in the last few days hoping that somebody from THE BIGGEST LOSER would "follow" my blog and maybe even comment on it and such. NO that has not happened yet but we are one step closer. You see My account that I have with Statcounter which is the company that keeps track of how many people visit my site also has an application where you can look at where in the world all the people who look at your blog are looking from. That seems kind of confusing I hope you were all able to understand. So anyways I looked at that today and it showed that 3-4 people from the San Jose area in California have looked at my blog. :) Now I'm not exactly sure where the Ranch is so I googled it (of course) and nobody can really tell you specifically probably for safety reasons but I was able to find that it is just North West of Los Angeles which is where San Jose is. :) I just am so honored that people from THE BIGGEST LOSER looked at my blog. I'm so excited. :)
In case theres anybody reading who doesn't know I will tell a little of my history with THE BIGGEST LOSER. I started watching the BIGGEST LOSER towards the end of season 3, as I'm looking back I'm realizing that I started off just watching the end of the seasons like when it gets down to the 4 finalists. I'm also realizing that I started watching it after coming home from my 3 months at The University of Findlay.
After I graduated from high school in 2005 I was accepted to The University of Findlay. I think it was the best day of my life. You see it's a pretty amazing school. I had a pretty good rap sheet in High school, I was a very good student with the exception of math and I had always dreamed of going away to school. During High school I had come to the conclusion that I wanted to be an Occupational Therapist specializing in Pediactrics because I have always loved children. So thats what I went to Findlay to do, they have one of the leading Occupational Therapy programs in Ohio. Well to say the least it was totally different that I expected it to be. I was a totally different person than I expected to be. I learned that I am a VERY family oriented person, which really I should have known before but I never thought it would be such a PROBLEM. I also didn't have any friends in Findlay with me and I'm not a person that makes friends very easily. I also did not have a car with me on campus so I was unable to just go home to see my family or go see friends whenever I wanted. I completely relied on others to come visit me or pick me up when I wanted to go home for a holiday or weekend or anything really. All of this together added up to make my time in Findlay A DISASTER!! I skipped class all the time. I would stay locked in my single dorm all day long. I ate all the time and became very very depressed (which at that time I didn't even know that was the case.) All of this added up to be the beginning of the worst year of my life. I started at Findlay in the end of August as a great happy student weighing in at an overweight (as I had been most of my life) 200-205 lbs. This is bad enough but when I came home for Christmas break vowing to do better next semester, I received my grades and a letter on Christmas Eve. My grades showed that of the 5 classes I started out with then after dropping two of them at midterm because of my bad performance I had only passed 1 class after three months in Findlay. That letter I received also informed me that I was on academic suspension. I had to clean out my dorm within the week so somebody else could have it the next semester because I was not able to come back. This Christmas break did absolutley nothing to help that deep depression I had sunk into while I was at Findlay. I was now home with my family, but I was a huge dissapointment, mostly to myself but there was also that relationship with my family that needed help because none of them had any idea what I was going through, what had happpened in Findlay, or how to help me. When I came home I had gained more weight in that three months than I ever had before. I weighted a whopping 230 pounds thats a gain of about 25-30 pounds in 3 months. I continued to be so sad and depressed after I came home I kept that weight on for about another year, before I got back to church and realized that I had to learn to forgive myself and get on with my life.
Until I started this last and final weightloss journey I had been sticking at about 215-220 pounds for about 3 years or so. I'm now down to just over 200 pounds. about the same as I was when I graduated from high school 5 years ago.
Anyways as I started to say before I started watching The Biggest loser occasionaly during season 3 and season 4. Then Season 5 my mom and I started watching everysingle episode of TBL together every Tuesday night. We're still doing that now. My first audition for the biggest loser took place during the fall of 2008 for season seven I think. I kept it a secret from most of the important people in my life. I filled out the extremely long application then I recruited a friend of mine to make a (very rough) video like the applicants are supposed to. I mailed it all in without telling anyone then finally one night while watching the show with my mom I couldn't wait any longer and by this time I had pretty much known I didn't make it, I told her, "hey did you ever know I auditioned to be on the show?" lol it was kind of funny. Then my next shot was for either season 8 or 9 I don't remember I went about it in a little bit of a smarter way this time. There's a friend of the family who does film for his career and he and I got together one day and did a much better video with pictures from my past and a mini interview I did in his back yard kind of telling the story of me and my weight problems from all my life. It was pretty amazing so I sent that in yet again with my updated application. Then I found that TBL casting people were going to be in Detroit Michigan which is only a couple hours from where I live so my mom and I went up there for an overnighter and I took my video and my application and applied in person. Still nothing happened. I have not tried again though my mom has been trying to persuade me to. I just don't want to be dissapointed again. I'm working on it for the first time by myself and I'm determined to make it work though I feel like I'm sort of loosening up on the reigns maybe a little more than I should be right now. I'm in it for the long stretch. I still would love to be on the show more than anything though. I've gotten the going to the gym and the hard workouts down but I really need the help they have to offer on how to excel my workouts and balance my diet properly. And how to transform my favorite comfort foods that I turn to, into a not so bad for me snack that I can use to energize my body. Those people are amazing they're my hero's. Especially the ones who are solely there to lose the weight. No temptations. You're not there to win money, or have power over anyone other than yourself. I would love to meet BOB some day too I absolutely LOVE him. And I had a dream once that he was standing in my kitchen to suprise me that I had made it onto the show. I still have hope that that will happen someday. But for now it's all in my hands and I need to get these hands to the gym. So I hope I haven't bored anyone to tears with this extremely long post. Have a great day!!! :)
So I'm super excited, I have been religiously checking my blog in the last few days hoping that somebody from THE BIGGEST LOSER would "follow" my blog and maybe even comment on it and such. NO that has not happened yet but we are one step closer. You see My account that I have with Statcounter which is the company that keeps track of how many people visit my site also has an application where you can look at where in the world all the people who look at your blog are looking from. That seems kind of confusing I hope you were all able to understand. So anyways I looked at that today and it showed that 3-4 people from the San Jose area in California have looked at my blog. :) Now I'm not exactly sure where the Ranch is so I googled it (of course) and nobody can really tell you specifically probably for safety reasons but I was able to find that it is just North West of Los Angeles which is where San Jose is. :) I just am so honored that people from THE BIGGEST LOSER looked at my blog. I'm so excited. :)
In case theres anybody reading who doesn't know I will tell a little of my history with THE BIGGEST LOSER. I started watching the BIGGEST LOSER towards the end of season 3, as I'm looking back I'm realizing that I started off just watching the end of the seasons like when it gets down to the 4 finalists. I'm also realizing that I started watching it after coming home from my 3 months at The University of Findlay.
After I graduated from high school in 2005 I was accepted to The University of Findlay. I think it was the best day of my life. You see it's a pretty amazing school. I had a pretty good rap sheet in High school, I was a very good student with the exception of math and I had always dreamed of going away to school. During High school I had come to the conclusion that I wanted to be an Occupational Therapist specializing in Pediactrics because I have always loved children. So thats what I went to Findlay to do, they have one of the leading Occupational Therapy programs in Ohio. Well to say the least it was totally different that I expected it to be. I was a totally different person than I expected to be. I learned that I am a VERY family oriented person, which really I should have known before but I never thought it would be such a PROBLEM. I also didn't have any friends in Findlay with me and I'm not a person that makes friends very easily. I also did not have a car with me on campus so I was unable to just go home to see my family or go see friends whenever I wanted. I completely relied on others to come visit me or pick me up when I wanted to go home for a holiday or weekend or anything really. All of this together added up to make my time in Findlay A DISASTER!! I skipped class all the time. I would stay locked in my single dorm all day long. I ate all the time and became very very depressed (which at that time I didn't even know that was the case.) All of this added up to be the beginning of the worst year of my life. I started at Findlay in the end of August as a great happy student weighing in at an overweight (as I had been most of my life) 200-205 lbs. This is bad enough but when I came home for Christmas break vowing to do better next semester, I received my grades and a letter on Christmas Eve. My grades showed that of the 5 classes I started out with then after dropping two of them at midterm because of my bad performance I had only passed 1 class after three months in Findlay. That letter I received also informed me that I was on academic suspension. I had to clean out my dorm within the week so somebody else could have it the next semester because I was not able to come back. This Christmas break did absolutley nothing to help that deep depression I had sunk into while I was at Findlay. I was now home with my family, but I was a huge dissapointment, mostly to myself but there was also that relationship with my family that needed help because none of them had any idea what I was going through, what had happpened in Findlay, or how to help me. When I came home I had gained more weight in that three months than I ever had before. I weighted a whopping 230 pounds thats a gain of about 25-30 pounds in 3 months. I continued to be so sad and depressed after I came home I kept that weight on for about another year, before I got back to church and realized that I had to learn to forgive myself and get on with my life.
Until I started this last and final weightloss journey I had been sticking at about 215-220 pounds for about 3 years or so. I'm now down to just over 200 pounds. about the same as I was when I graduated from high school 5 years ago.
Anyways as I started to say before I started watching The Biggest loser occasionaly during season 3 and season 4. Then Season 5 my mom and I started watching everysingle episode of TBL together every Tuesday night. We're still doing that now. My first audition for the biggest loser took place during the fall of 2008 for season seven I think. I kept it a secret from most of the important people in my life. I filled out the extremely long application then I recruited a friend of mine to make a (very rough) video like the applicants are supposed to. I mailed it all in without telling anyone then finally one night while watching the show with my mom I couldn't wait any longer and by this time I had pretty much known I didn't make it, I told her, "hey did you ever know I auditioned to be on the show?" lol it was kind of funny. Then my next shot was for either season 8 or 9 I don't remember I went about it in a little bit of a smarter way this time. There's a friend of the family who does film for his career and he and I got together one day and did a much better video with pictures from my past and a mini interview I did in his back yard kind of telling the story of me and my weight problems from all my life. It was pretty amazing so I sent that in yet again with my updated application. Then I found that TBL casting people were going to be in Detroit Michigan which is only a couple hours from where I live so my mom and I went up there for an overnighter and I took my video and my application and applied in person. Still nothing happened. I have not tried again though my mom has been trying to persuade me to. I just don't want to be dissapointed again. I'm working on it for the first time by myself and I'm determined to make it work though I feel like I'm sort of loosening up on the reigns maybe a little more than I should be right now. I'm in it for the long stretch. I still would love to be on the show more than anything though. I've gotten the going to the gym and the hard workouts down but I really need the help they have to offer on how to excel my workouts and balance my diet properly. And how to transform my favorite comfort foods that I turn to, into a not so bad for me snack that I can use to energize my body. Those people are amazing they're my hero's. Especially the ones who are solely there to lose the weight. No temptations. You're not there to win money, or have power over anyone other than yourself. I would love to meet BOB some day too I absolutely LOVE him. And I had a dream once that he was standing in my kitchen to suprise me that I had made it onto the show. I still have hope that that will happen someday. But for now it's all in my hands and I need to get these hands to the gym. So I hope I haven't bored anyone to tears with this extremely long post. Have a great day!!! :)
Tuesday, March 23
Contestants :)
Hey Everybody,
I just wanted to let everybody know I'm super excited I just facebook stalked all the current and past Biggest Loser contestants I could find and asked them to be my friends and invited them to check out the blog and even become followers and give me pointers and advice and become a part of my journey with us. :) I'm very optimistic I hope some of them come and visit. Cross your fingers. Maybe it would even be a good way for me to get on the show if they learn about my blog and the journey I'm on get to know a little more about me. ? I don't know it's worth a shot right? Something different anyways. Oh yeah so I still haven't started that laundry I said I was going to like 3 hours ago I guess if I can at least get it sorted maybe get a load in I will be one step ahead of the game tommorow morning. :)
I just wanted to let everybody know I'm super excited I just facebook stalked all the current and past Biggest Loser contestants I could find and asked them to be my friends and invited them to check out the blog and even become followers and give me pointers and advice and become a part of my journey with us. :) I'm very optimistic I hope some of them come and visit. Cross your fingers. Maybe it would even be a good way for me to get on the show if they learn about my blog and the journey I'm on get to know a little more about me. ? I don't know it's worth a shot right? Something different anyways. Oh yeah so I still haven't started that laundry I said I was going to like 3 hours ago I guess if I can at least get it sorted maybe get a load in I will be one step ahead of the game tommorow morning. :)
Using those healthiest foods :)
Hey Everybody, :)
I'm super happy this evening I've had a great day. I finally made it to the gym which felt great it was a relatively short workout timing in at just an hour but I feel good about it I stretched the time well between half an hour on the eliptical steady at a crossramp of 5. I then did my arm weights and some floor exercises on a balance ball. I need to get better on that though I am not so sure if I'm doing those right. The best part of today though is that I've been looking forward to making dinner for almost a week now. I love to cook and I like to try new foods. I haven't had the money or time to buy the healthy creative ingredients I need to make the dinners I do. So I put that list I picked up at the gym of the 23 healthiest foods to good use tonight. I made a full dinner using completely all the foods from that list. I made parmesan herb chicken with baked sweet potatoes with a honey orange sauce and a grilled garlic broccoli dish. It was all pretty delicious I just have a habit of over cooking food especially meat and since I cook chicken more often than any other meat my success rate of overcooking it is astronomical. So of course thats what I did tonight. My mom thought it was amazing although she loves almost every food she eats overcooked. It was really good I would love to make it again maybe not cook it quite so much though. Oh I almost forgot about the best part DESSERT, yes I said DESSERT and I stuck with the healthy theme too. :) I made a peach-blueberry Crumb dessert and instead of topping it with ice cream or whipped topping, either would have probably ruined the whole dinner, INSTEAD I topped it with vanilla yogurt, and it was DELICIOUS!!!!!!
Enough about dinner, now onto THE BIGGEST LOSER :) I have a new crush. Darius. My mom started it seeing how him and I are very similiar people. She's trying to get me to get in contact with him. I found him on facebook. I feel kind of goofy like I'm stalking him or something lol. I guess it would just be really cool to talk to somebody that had been on the biggest loser. Hell he might even WIN!!! :) And he's kinda cute too ;) Now that my great day is coming to an end i gotta get a load of laundry in so I have work clothes tommorow. :( I'm looking forward to my weekend. I'm going to see a kid I went to high school with sing at a club in Bowling Green he was on American Idol, his name is Luke James. Thats on Thursday then Saturday is my best friends birthday so we're going out. It should be an awesome weekend. Hope to hear lots of encouraging comments from everybody soon. BYE
I'm super happy this evening I've had a great day. I finally made it to the gym which felt great it was a relatively short workout timing in at just an hour but I feel good about it I stretched the time well between half an hour on the eliptical steady at a crossramp of 5. I then did my arm weights and some floor exercises on a balance ball. I need to get better on that though I am not so sure if I'm doing those right. The best part of today though is that I've been looking forward to making dinner for almost a week now. I love to cook and I like to try new foods. I haven't had the money or time to buy the healthy creative ingredients I need to make the dinners I do. So I put that list I picked up at the gym of the 23 healthiest foods to good use tonight. I made a full dinner using completely all the foods from that list. I made parmesan herb chicken with baked sweet potatoes with a honey orange sauce and a grilled garlic broccoli dish. It was all pretty delicious I just have a habit of over cooking food especially meat and since I cook chicken more often than any other meat my success rate of overcooking it is astronomical. So of course thats what I did tonight. My mom thought it was amazing although she loves almost every food she eats overcooked. It was really good I would love to make it again maybe not cook it quite so much though. Oh I almost forgot about the best part DESSERT, yes I said DESSERT and I stuck with the healthy theme too. :) I made a peach-blueberry Crumb dessert and instead of topping it with ice cream or whipped topping, either would have probably ruined the whole dinner, INSTEAD I topped it with vanilla yogurt, and it was DELICIOUS!!!!!!
Enough about dinner, now onto THE BIGGEST LOSER :) I have a new crush. Darius. My mom started it seeing how him and I are very similiar people. She's trying to get me to get in contact with him. I found him on facebook. I feel kind of goofy like I'm stalking him or something lol. I guess it would just be really cool to talk to somebody that had been on the biggest loser. Hell he might even WIN!!! :) And he's kinda cute too ;) Now that my great day is coming to an end i gotta get a load of laundry in so I have work clothes tommorow. :( I'm looking forward to my weekend. I'm going to see a kid I went to high school with sing at a club in Bowling Green he was on American Idol, his name is Luke James. Thats on Thursday then Saturday is my best friends birthday so we're going out. It should be an awesome weekend. Hope to hear lots of encouraging comments from everybody soon. BYE
Monday, March 22
23 healthiest foods
Hello Everybody,
So I found this list at the gym of the top 25 healthiest foods to eat. SO I thought I'd share it with all of you. :) I hope you enjoy. I found it very interesting. They are in no certain order just random healthiest foods to eat.....
23 my bad
- So sorry I haven't been posting very much latley. With the nice weather we've been having lately I haven't been going to the gym very much. However that does not mean that I have not been exercising, I've been taking a couple of walks outside. With the dog without the dog in different places. I figure it's not too bad to get away from the gym for a week as long as I jump back in and start right back where I left off at. I'm thinking if I can get my laundry done tommorow morning I'll go do a nice long workout going swimming and everything I am sad to say I haven't done that in a really long time so I think it's well over due. I also have continued to attend the Oregon Y on Wednesday and Thursday evenings after I get off work at Bob Evans. As y0u can see I haven't been posting much cause I don't have much to say. I have alot going on outside of my world of weightloss so..... it's kindof taking presidence right now unfortunatly. BUT I am happy to say just because I have other things going on I have not fallen offf the wagon. And I am continuing to feel my clothes getting looser and certain parts of my body changing as well. I have made one change in my workout routine and that is that I have changed my dumbell weight from 5 to 8 lbs I'm not sure if I put that in the last post I did or if I was just trying to make that change at that time. BUt I've done it now so thats what matters :) Also I've made myself a new goal. I have two weddings comming up this spring early summer. A good friend of mine from high school is getting married in May and one of my cousins is getting married in June so my current goal is to get my arms firmed up and looking decent enough that I don't feel like I need to cover them up at the weddings. I have this dress that I absolutely LOVE if I'm feeling really ambitious I might take a picture of it and post it but anyways I bought it myself about 3 years ago for a wedding and it's the only dress I own that fits anyways it's strapless so because I've always hated the way my arms look .... flabby and stretch marks and I have these spots on my arms that look like acne but I don't think it is I'm not sure I've always had them anyways moral of the story is that I don't like my arms so I've been doing some intense weight lifting not like a body builder intense but like focusing on them big time everysingle workout doing like 5 different exercising just on my arms and attempting to accelerate my length of time in low weights. Anyways thats what I have going on now.
So I found this list at the gym of the top 25 healthiest foods to eat. SO I thought I'd share it with all of you. :) I hope you enjoy. I found it very interesting. They are in no certain order just random healthiest foods to eat.....
23 my bad
- Salmon
- Oatmeal
- Beans
- Walnuts
- Tofu
- Soy Milk
- Carrots
- Sweet Potatoes
- Red Bell Peppers
- Tomatoes
- Cantaloupe
- Greet Tea
- Flax Seed
- Dark Chocolate
- Almonds
- Tuna
- Brown Rice
- Blueberries
- Spinach
- Asparagus
- Oranges
- Acorn Squash
- Papaya
Monday, March 8
Hey everybody,
I have been wanting to do this for awhile but I'm finally getting around to it. I want to provide my Workout Playlist that I have on my Mp3 player. I will caption next to each if it's one I really like to jam out to or if it's one that really inspires me or even one that I don't normally listen to but I think it might be nice to work out to some day lol. SO I hope you enjoy and maybe take some of them and use them yourselves or if you have any suggestions I would love that too. THANKS
I have been wanting to do this for awhile but I'm finally getting around to it. I want to provide my Workout Playlist that I have on my Mp3 player. I will caption next to each if it's one I really like to jam out to or if it's one that really inspires me or even one that I don't normally listen to but I think it might be nice to work out to some day lol. SO I hope you enjoy and maybe take some of them and use them yourselves or if you have any suggestions I would love that too. THANKS
- Proud - Heather Small (this is the Biggest LOser theme song... it inspires me a ton always reminds me to do something to make me proud of myself for the day. :)
- Jump around - House of Pain
- 7 Things - Miley Cyrus
- I'm Commin Out - Diana Ross - this song inspires me alot I feel like it's kind of an anthem to my journey. :)
- Loveshack - B52's (always been a favorite of mine... very fun song )
- Dancing Queen - Abba
- ABC 123 - Michael Jackson
- Ain't Goin Down till the Sun comes up - Garth Brooks
- All I want to do - Sugarland
- All the Small things - Blink 182
- Battlefield - Jordan Sparks
- I get around - Beach Boys
- Believe - Britt Nicole
- Bidi Bidi Bom Bom - Selena
- Bills Bills Bills - Destineys Child
- Boom Boom Pow - Black Eyed Peas
- Old Time Rock and Roll - Bob Segar
- Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan
- Born to Handjive - Grease
- A new day has come - Celine Dion
- Cold as Ice - Foreigner
- Crazy Bitch - Buck Cherry
- Ready to Run - Dixie Chicks
- Do Wa Diddy - Beach Boys
- Dollhouse - Pricilla Renae
- Down - Jay Sean
- Dream Weaver - Peter Frampton
- Electric Slide - Dance Mix - Abba Medley
- Cleaning out my closet - Eminem
- The real slim shady - Eminem
- Everyday America - Sugarland
- Family Affairs - Mary J. Blige
- Footloose - Kenny Loggins
- Funhouse - Pink
- Give me the beat boys - BOb Segar
- Gotta be something more - Sugarland
- Hangin Tough - New Kids on the Block
- Heaven is a place on Earth - Wilson Phillips
- Hips don't lie - Shakira
- Hold On - Wilson Phillips ( Great song I love to work out to it very inspiring)
- I got you babe - Sonny and Cher
- I got a feeling - Black eyed Peas
- I want this forever - Drake
- If I could turn back time - Cher
- IT Happens - Sugarland
- IT's a great day to be alive - Travis Tritt
- SOn of a preacherman - Janis Joplin
- Me and bobby McGee - Janis Joplin
- Empire State of Mind - JayZ Alica Keys
- Jock Jams
- Ain't that America - John Cougar Mellancamp
- Life Goes ON - " "
- Rockin in the USA
- Small Town
- Summer of 69
- Walls come crumblin down
- Sold - John Michael Montgomery
- Don't stop believin - Journey
- Just Dance - Lady Ga Ga ( I usually don't like her songs but this is a great workout song )
- Just stand up - Maria Carey, Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Rihanna, + alot others
- Larger than Life - Backstreet Boys
- Lets get it started - Black eyed peas
- Lose Yourself - Eminem
- Man in the mirror - Michael Jackson ( I always rock out to this song inspires me alot )
- Don't stop till you get enough - Michael Jackson
- HoeDown Throwdown - Miley Cyrus
- Stop in the name of love - diana ross and the supremes
- Mr Bigstuff- Arethra Franklin
- My Humps - Black eyed peas
- Natural Woman - Arethra Franklin
- RESPECT - Arethra Franklin
- No Scrubs - TLC
- Bye bye bye - NSYNC
- Party in the usa - Miley Cyrus
- I can see clearly Now - Peter FRampton
- Pickin Wildflowers- Jason ALdean
- Rehab - Amy WInehouse
- RIght Round - Flo RIder
- Run this town - JayZ
- Settlin - Sugarland
- Shake ya tail feather - nelly
- She's a wild one - Faith Hill
- Sideways - Dierks Bentley
- SIngle Ladies - Beyonce
- So What - Pink
- Step by Step - Whitney Houston
- The Climb - Miley Cyrus
- The Lost get found - Britt Nicole
- YMCA - village People
- This one's for the girls - Martina McBride
- Thriller - Michael Jackson
- Tick tock - Kesha
- Watermelon Crawl - John Michael Montgomery
- we are family - sister sledge
- where is the love - black eyed peas
- wherever whenever - shakira
- wild nights - john cougar mellancamp
- yeah - usher
- can't hurry love - diana ross
- Independant Women - Destineys child
- bootylicious - destineys child
- Survivor - Destineys child
- Jumpin jumpin destineys child
- say my name destineys child
- where my girls at destineys child
Ok it was longer than I thought sorry it got a little messy towards the end I am in a hurry I'm on the way to the gym and i have to get my laundry out of the dryer first :) enjoy
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