This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Thursday, January 21

Great Night

Hey Everyone!!!!
So I had an unexpected great night.... It all started off with me staying up entirely too late last night. As an effect of that I was very tired this morning and ended up sleeping in when I should have been at the gym working out. So I got up just in time to get ready for work and I get there and what does one of my co-workers ask me? How is my weight loss journey going.... lol what timing. So I told her how I was supposed to workout and wasn't able so she says why don't you go after work. I very gloomily say I had to work both jobs so it would be a fun filled day of work. She very forcefully said well you just have to go after work. Which is exactly what I did. There is a Y that I went to as a child located near my evening job. So Because once you join one Y you can go to any of them, I went to the one closer to where I was. I had a great time some of that is due to an energy drink my sister suggested I try I think personally she says I'm probably just psyched and happy with myself for working out which I think both are partially true. Anyways so I am not very familiar with this gym so I start out on the tredmill always a good starting place. So I walked a mile on the tredmill messing with different settings and seeing what I can do with different inclines and speeds. I jogged for about 30 seconds lol. and I feel like I did a good job. So then I wanted to try something else. I was super excited to see that they had a punching bag which honestly I've always wanted one it's a great way to workout and work off steam when your mad. So I messed around with that for a little while enjoyed kicking it alot but punching was not easy with my weak little hands. I didn't feel like there was much else to do in the gym which is kind of out dated and not nearly as nice as the Y I normally attend. But I also didn't feel like I wanted to leave yet considering I had only been there a half hour which is better than nothing but I wanted to take advantage of actually feeling like being active which is normally rare for me. So I walked around just seeing what there was to see. I found a gymnasium. There was a volleyball and a couple of basketballs just laying around and the place was empty probably because of how late it was. So I just messed around with that stuff for a little while which was surprisingly a good work out as well. So I'm feeling great and even though I've ended up staying up later than I was planning I am hoping to make it back to the gym in the morning again. So I better sign off and get some sleep so I'm able to do that. THANKS for reading..... ttfn


  1. Awesome job. Every journey begins with the forst step. You have taken it. You are on your way. It will feel good for the first couple weeks then you will feel sluggish and weak but it is still part of the process for your body to get use to the new activity. If you can keep it fun,entertaining, and interesting for you then you will not have a problem. Have you ever thought about martial arts, if you can find time in your busy schedule? Not to hard, you can work with in your limits. It will hlep build your confidence, stamina, flexibility, and teach you how to kick butt. Great job keep it up. Love ya.

  2. Bill's right Kelly, Tae Kwon Do is amazing! I wish I still had the time and money to do it. It might be worth looking into when you move past the YMCA
