This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Thursday, February 25

Great workouts this week!!!!

Hello Everybody,

So Today is.... Thursday, yes I have to think about things like this lol. My week workout week started on Monday because thats as far back as I can remember :) So I know I said I had a great workout and was really tired but now I'm actually awake enough to elaborate on that. So I've been thinking about joining a class at the Y and the program that they have there is that if you pay I think it's $16 to sign up for a class then you can attend any of long list of "core" classes for free. So I've been trying out a bunch of classes that I'm interested in to see which one I am the most interested in to sign up for. Unfortunatly my schedule limits me to certain classes.

As you all already read I tried Zumba last week and after trying two more on Monday that still seems to be my favorite. On Monday I did the Turbo kick class and it was a great workout but kind of hard to follow. I think this might be one of the classes I occasionally attend for an extra boost in my workout but not the one I actually sign up for to attend every week. after that hour class I still felt like I wanted to do my regular workout up in the gym so I went and did a half hour on the eliptical then my arm weights that I do every time I'm there. I then decided to do a water aerobics class I've been interested in. Now this is kind of big for me because anybody who knows me knows that I love to watch tv and there are certain shows that I don't ever want to miss. Monday night is a big tv night for me. I watch The Secret life of the American Teenager, and Make it or Break it. I love these shows and I have them set up to DVR but that doesn't always work because neither of my parents like to watch these shows so they're always skipping them so they don't record which is what happened this week so it might sound stupid but it's a big hurdle for me to skip my shows to workout so I'm proud of myself for that. So I did the Aqua Jog class. It was ok but not a class I'll probably attend on a regular basis this is because I learned what I wanted to learn which was good exercises to do in the pool and I did learn alot it was very interesting I had never done a class like this before. At the end of the class though the instructor did try something she said was new which was water yoga. One of the classes I've been wanting to try is yoga but I'm kind of nervous about it because as far as I know it has alot to do with balance and flexibility neither of which I am any good at. HOWEVER, I LOVED LOVED LOVED the water Yoga. I told the instructor they should make that into a class of it's own and I would most definently take it on a regular basis. She said that she's been trying to talk the Y into doing just that but they haven't agreed to it yet. So that is why I was so extremely exhausted on Monday night.

Tuesday was another story. I did go and workout which I was proud of myself for but it was only a half hour which back in the day would be a normal workout for me which I'm happy to say has now changed into a very very bad workout I had just gotten my heartrate up when I had to stop. I had a very hard day at work on Tuesday I don't remember why but I've been getting pretty irritated very easily this week. I do know I was there really late and I'm positive that staying a half hour over at work was not good for my busy night I already had or the irritation I already had either. After I got off work I had to go grab some dinner before going to the gym because after the gym I was going to a Mary Kay party which was actually alot of fun I always like going to those things. So I had dinner then a short workout at the gym then I was able to get my measurements taken....finally. But no better results were received. Although I have decided I'm going to get a different person to take my measurements because I'm not totally convinced that the lady who has done mine the last two times completley knows what she is doing. Therefore I'm not comfortable with the results she got. But I'm determined not to let the lack of results get me down. I'm on this bandwagon for the duration. As long as I'm getting to the gym and doing great workouts like I have been and feeling better, nothing is going to stop me.

Yesterday was Wednesday and I worked both jobs then proceded (sp?) to go to the gym to workout even though I was really really tired and did not want to. But I am very very glad I did because I had a great workout, and felt GREAT afterward. I do have a mystery I've been trying to figure out though. I seem to have better eliptical workouts at the Oregon Y after I get off work at Bob EvaNS than I do at the Perrysburg Y any other time. I have thought this could be because I'm already a little more energized after working at Bob's I'm not sure. It doesn't make much sense either because the Perrysburg Y is so much nicer and more state of the art type of place. Which to me I always like. The machines all seem to be exactly the same. The perrysburg Y has tv's attached to their elipticals sometimes I use them sometimes I don't. I'm going to leave it there and see if anybody out there has any ideas. I do want to pitch in though that the only time I have ever done a full hour on the eliptical WITHOUT STOPPING was in Oregon. And last night I made a record for myself I usually do 2 miles in exactly 30 minutes on the eliptical but last night I cut off 3 minutes!!!!!!!!! 2 miles in 27 minutes and if they hadn't been closing I know I could have done more. I was just listening to my music and watching the olympics on the big tv on the wall. I was very proud of myself for that. So I'm back at bob's again tonight and going to do the same thing as last night. :)

Alrighty then well I have to get off to work now. So I hope I have comments when I get home.... helpt me figure out my mystery. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!


  1. It could be your adrenaline or the amount of time you spend driving in the car. The time you are sitting still in the car and the music you listen to could calm you and cause you to relax. It's mostly mental about 80%. Try not to eat at least 1 1/2 to 2 hours before you work out. Your stomach uses blood to digest food and if it has a choice between digestion or volutary muscle use it will go to the stomach.

  2. Congratulations on an awesome week Kelly!!

  3. Wow, Kelly! I am soo proud of you. You have a motivation that a lot of people cannot muster. You are inspiring me to get to the gym more often.
    Thank you!
