This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Thursday, May 6

Makeover week :)

Hey Everybody,

Soooo.... those make-overs were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Everybody looked SO great not that they didn't look great before the makeover but I'm just saying it completes the transformation kind of. It lets you see how far you've actually come. And when your working out ALL THE TIME and staying on the ranch most of the time spending all your time with the same people week in and week out, you forget how your changing. You don't quite get the perspective. Like Me for instance, I work 2 jobs and most weeks am at one of them if not both at least 5 days a week. One place, Panera bread, I wear a hat my entire shift, my hair does not look great after being in a hat all day. Then I go to my other job, Bob Evans, and don't have time to make my hair "cute" between the two jobs. So what I'm trying to say is that I don't style my hair very often as I assume the girls on the Ranch probably didn't/don't either. Also you don't work out in cute clothes usually your in sweats and tshirts or some type of workout clothes. It's nice to "cutsie" yourself up every once in a while and see what your creating. For me that was Tuesday and Today (Thursday) Tuesday I had some errands to do which included stopping at Panera. So since it was nice and warm outside I wore a skirt and a cute shirt and styled my hair all cute and even put makeup on which is out of the ordinary for me. BUT since I've been on this weightloss journey I've been trying to do more often, it kind of all comes together at the same time at least for me. In the past I've not really cared too much what I looked like. I figured I'm fat guys don't look at me I'm never going to have a boyfriend always relating it back to the stupid guys, not realizing that when a girl/woman gets "cleaned up" makeup on, hair did, nice clothes, it's not for guys lol it's for US!!!! We feel better about ourselves when we do that. :) So I've definently been feeling better about myself by just doing those things and I don't think I would have STARTED doing those things if it weren't for the results I'm seeing with my weightloss. For instance this morning I went to the gym. It has been a VERY long time since I went to the gym in the morning. I love my day when I get up early to go to the gym but I also LOVE to sleep in. Anyways I didn't wear my usual workout "uniform" Instead I wore a hoodie and a pair of shorts that I hardly ever wear (becuase they're "homemade" lol they're an old pair of sweat pants that were WAAAY to long for me so I hand cut them into shorts lol. Anyways I almost never wear them because they showed my "bulge" or "second-tummy" wayy too much I see this as a huge milestone because they only time I did wear these shorts usually was when i was going swimming. I always wear shorts over my swimsuit when i swim because my thighs are SOOO ugly. lol that has not gone away yet BUT these shorts always had a second tummy popping right out for everybody to see. NOT TODAY!!!!! you could hardly tell there was a second tummy at all it's practically almost gone. It's turned into HIPS still very big hips but hips nonetheless. :) I know I'm majorly rambling but I was very excited about this lol. Anyways after seeing this I got showered up (thinking I had to be to work at 11) Got out of the shower and ready earlier than normal so I decided to blow dry my hair (I usually let it air dry) I got my hair cut about 3 weeks ago and people are just now noticing because I'm actually styling it lol and it's SOOO cute I'm practically in love with my hair. :) So I go to work just to find out I wasn't supposed to work today (unfortunatly my hours are being majorly cut, don't worry I set my manager straight that this CANNOT keep up) But the good part is that I got to show off my cute hair everybody loves it almost as much as me. Anyways back to TBL. Sam is HOOOTTTTT I wasn't that into him before and he's not quite my type as much as I believe Daris to be but DAMNNN that boy is sexy lol. I love Daris's hair now that it's cut it can slick it back or have the "bushy" look in the front depending on his attitude that day. I really felt bad for Michael but he needs to remember how far he's come already and just keep going I mean jeez last season Shay (one of my favorites) was sent home the week she lost a whopping 17 pounds THATS INSANE!!!! But even though Michael was feeling crappy after still having to shop at the "big boy" store he looked amazing and cute too loved his hair cut and I always love it when a mans face gets cleaned up, I'm not one for facial hair but to each his own. Sunshine looked like freaking Beyonce I cannot wait till she loses the rest of her weight if she's that beautiful now imagine what she's going to look like when she's at her goal weight AMAZING :) who am I forgetting? oh Koli He looked good but I don't feel like his look changed a whole lot. Not dissapointed just not "WOWED" like I was with everybody else. Oh yeah and Ashley, not a big fan she's done amazing with her weightloss and everything we're just very very different people and I wasn't that thrilled with her outfit and they didnt' really do anything special with her hair so I'm just like "whatever" with her. Hoping she's the one to go home next week. It's getting so close to the end I'm kind of sad. This has been my favorite cast so far. Season 5, was one of my favorites too with Bernie and Brittany, Ali, and Dan. Everybody is just so FRIENDLY!!! I like that in a group of people. I'm interested in what gets more ratings. When they play the game hard core and go against each other or when they become a family and stay friendly to each other throughout the entire show. I can relate myself entirely to this cast of people. It would all have been perfect if I could have been there instead of Melissa always trying to get everybody to play the game thinking that that was all it was about. crazy woman lol. I'll bet you this cast of people are THE most successful with getting to their goal weight and STAYING there because of their positive experience on the Ranch. :) One last thing I want to throw out there to all of my "loyal" followers. I'm getting alot of questions about how much weight I've actually lost. I keep saying I don't know but I want to be real with all of you. I acutally have been checking periodically but I still hold true to not knowing becuase I've checked on two different scales and they both have totally different results. I use my one at home and the one in the gym at the Y. I started off on the one at the gym saying starting weight was 220lbs on January 19th then I weighed in February 19th and I had lost 3 lbs down to 217 pounds I haven't weighed in at that scale again until today and it said I was only at 216lbs which I really don't believe becuase I've seen such a drastic change in my body, and the clothes that I wear fitting so much better. Now my scale at home about a week ago said i had lost 10lbs and was down to 210 lbs for obvious reasons thats the one I'm choosing to believe ;) I will recheck sometime soon and let you know what it said. I did sign up for the Biggest losers pound for pound challange where you pledge a certain amount of weight to lose by a certain time and then that weight is doubled and donated in food to food banks in this area. I had pledged to lose 15 lbs by the finale of this seasons Biggest Loser so... thats what I'm aiming for right now we shall see. Ok well I think this post is long past long enough and I really made up for some of the past weeks of not writing very much so...... I'll sign off I really hope people are still reading this becuase I haven't been getting very many comments latley. But it's more for myself but I really appreciate everybody's feedback even if it's just a good job or even better if your on a journey as well share it with the rest of us. Enough babbling I'm out :)


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