This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Thursday, February 25

Great workouts this week!!!!

Hello Everybody,

So Today is.... Thursday, yes I have to think about things like this lol. My week workout week started on Monday because thats as far back as I can remember :) So I know I said I had a great workout and was really tired but now I'm actually awake enough to elaborate on that. So I've been thinking about joining a class at the Y and the program that they have there is that if you pay I think it's $16 to sign up for a class then you can attend any of long list of "core" classes for free. So I've been trying out a bunch of classes that I'm interested in to see which one I am the most interested in to sign up for. Unfortunatly my schedule limits me to certain classes.

As you all already read I tried Zumba last week and after trying two more on Monday that still seems to be my favorite. On Monday I did the Turbo kick class and it was a great workout but kind of hard to follow. I think this might be one of the classes I occasionally attend for an extra boost in my workout but not the one I actually sign up for to attend every week. after that hour class I still felt like I wanted to do my regular workout up in the gym so I went and did a half hour on the eliptical then my arm weights that I do every time I'm there. I then decided to do a water aerobics class I've been interested in. Now this is kind of big for me because anybody who knows me knows that I love to watch tv and there are certain shows that I don't ever want to miss. Monday night is a big tv night for me. I watch The Secret life of the American Teenager, and Make it or Break it. I love these shows and I have them set up to DVR but that doesn't always work because neither of my parents like to watch these shows so they're always skipping them so they don't record which is what happened this week so it might sound stupid but it's a big hurdle for me to skip my shows to workout so I'm proud of myself for that. So I did the Aqua Jog class. It was ok but not a class I'll probably attend on a regular basis this is because I learned what I wanted to learn which was good exercises to do in the pool and I did learn alot it was very interesting I had never done a class like this before. At the end of the class though the instructor did try something she said was new which was water yoga. One of the classes I've been wanting to try is yoga but I'm kind of nervous about it because as far as I know it has alot to do with balance and flexibility neither of which I am any good at. HOWEVER, I LOVED LOVED LOVED the water Yoga. I told the instructor they should make that into a class of it's own and I would most definently take it on a regular basis. She said that she's been trying to talk the Y into doing just that but they haven't agreed to it yet. So that is why I was so extremely exhausted on Monday night.

Tuesday was another story. I did go and workout which I was proud of myself for but it was only a half hour which back in the day would be a normal workout for me which I'm happy to say has now changed into a very very bad workout I had just gotten my heartrate up when I had to stop. I had a very hard day at work on Tuesday I don't remember why but I've been getting pretty irritated very easily this week. I do know I was there really late and I'm positive that staying a half hour over at work was not good for my busy night I already had or the irritation I already had either. After I got off work I had to go grab some dinner before going to the gym because after the gym I was going to a Mary Kay party which was actually alot of fun I always like going to those things. So I had dinner then a short workout at the gym then I was able to get my measurements taken....finally. But no better results were received. Although I have decided I'm going to get a different person to take my measurements because I'm not totally convinced that the lady who has done mine the last two times completley knows what she is doing. Therefore I'm not comfortable with the results she got. But I'm determined not to let the lack of results get me down. I'm on this bandwagon for the duration. As long as I'm getting to the gym and doing great workouts like I have been and feeling better, nothing is going to stop me.

Yesterday was Wednesday and I worked both jobs then proceded (sp?) to go to the gym to workout even though I was really really tired and did not want to. But I am very very glad I did because I had a great workout, and felt GREAT afterward. I do have a mystery I've been trying to figure out though. I seem to have better eliptical workouts at the Oregon Y after I get off work at Bob EvaNS than I do at the Perrysburg Y any other time. I have thought this could be because I'm already a little more energized after working at Bob's I'm not sure. It doesn't make much sense either because the Perrysburg Y is so much nicer and more state of the art type of place. Which to me I always like. The machines all seem to be exactly the same. The perrysburg Y has tv's attached to their elipticals sometimes I use them sometimes I don't. I'm going to leave it there and see if anybody out there has any ideas. I do want to pitch in though that the only time I have ever done a full hour on the eliptical WITHOUT STOPPING was in Oregon. And last night I made a record for myself I usually do 2 miles in exactly 30 minutes on the eliptical but last night I cut off 3 minutes!!!!!!!!! 2 miles in 27 minutes and if they hadn't been closing I know I could have done more. I was just listening to my music and watching the olympics on the big tv on the wall. I was very proud of myself for that. So I'm back at bob's again tonight and going to do the same thing as last night. :)

Alrighty then well I have to get off to work now. So I hope I have comments when I get home.... helpt me figure out my mystery. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 22



Hey where is everybody? I thought I would have gotten a ga-gillion comments about my last post. It's those comments of yours that keep me going. Now. I forgot to mention in my last post that I did a class at the gym last Tuesday and it was great it was called.... Zumba. It's alot of fun. It was all dancing it wasn't like you were working out at all I mean I definently felt it afterward but it was alot of fun just dancing along with the music alot of the music was latin which didn't really thrill me but there was also some non latin music mixed in as well. My favorite was when we were dancing to TICK TOC I love that song and for some reason I seemed to do better with the songs I knew probably becasue I knew the beat. Anyways last Monday I was going to do the turbo kick class but I was still really weak from being sick that morning so I might do it tonight. we'll see a friend of my mom's might be meeting me at the gym to take pictures to link to the blog so ya'll feel like your right there with me while I'm working out soo..... keep posted and comment comment comment. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 19

Roller coaster day for emotions

Hey everybody,

I have to try to make this kind of quick but it's been a crazy busy day for me with my weightloss journey so I wanted to update you all on what has happened. I've been really excited and nervous the last few days, in anticipation for this day. Today is my one month anniversary of my beginning my weightloss journey. I started this blog on the 18th of January and started at the gym on the 19th. So I go into the gym this morning and before I do anything else I ask the lady working to weigh and measure me. I lost 3 pounds which at the time I was VERY discouraged about but I knew that it usually takes my body awhile to start losing weight I almost always lose the inches first and alot of people have been telling me how I LOOK like I'm losing weight and I've been seeing it myself as well. So, I wasn't TOO bummed yet. Then we go to measure me and she's trying to figure out how the other girl (the first one to measure me) did the measurements because apperantly everybody measures differently. She couldn't figure it out and didn't think she should try in fear of messing it up so she told me to try to get with the other girl to get my measurments taken. She also said that she wants to work with me on my diet so I need to work on actually keeping up with my food diary, which I'm not so great at doing routinely as all of you know from following my blog that I was going to try to write in daily. So now I have to wait to get my measurments till who knows when and I only lost 3 pounds. Thankfully all of this took place before I did my workout. I was so mad/sad frustrtated that I did a really hard/good workout trying to work my frustrations out. I wore myself out and probably did a little bit of good with my frustrations but unfortunatly wasn't able to get rid of them completly. I didn't want to leave things like that and just head home because I figured if I did that I would just fall into my old routine and plop in front of my favorite distraction and coping device the tv with a bowl full of something bad to eat.

So what I did instead was try to find something that would help me relax and feel good about myself without doing damage with my weightloss or financially. I went to starbucks and got a cup of coffee and read. One of my favorite things to do. I love going to coffee shops. I am not much of a sweets person so I don't have trouble with that and coffee and tea isn't that bad for you if you don't go overboard and I love love love to read in the big comfy chairs and just relax. So this is what I did. Until I came up with the idea of going to Lane Bryant and having a fashion show with myself to see if any of my sizes changed.... guess what???? THEY DID!!!!!!! I suggest this to anyone who is feeling down about they're weightloss. It does wonders. I can't afford to buy anything right now and as my mom and sister pointed out to me this is probably a good thing because with my journey going as well as it has this far anything I would buy right now probably wouldn't fit in another month or so. But I had a ton of fun anyway trying on different outfits and taking pictures with my phone and sending them to people it made me feel like we were all shopping together even though my mom was at home and my sister was at work like 200 miles away. I had a blast and of course it helped that my shirt size dropped like 2 sizes and my pant size dropped by one. :)

Anyways I now feel a ton better and have decided that a 3 pound weightloss is better than no weightloss at all. I've also been inspired to try to find a job outside of the food industry. So I'm back on the hunt AGAIN. One of my least favorite things to do but it'll all be worth it in the end. For now I have to hurry and go shower and get ready to leave for work in EEEEK 20 minutes. Thanks everybody for your support I can't wait to read everybodys comments so keep em comming. PLEASE!!!!! :)

Monday, February 15


Hi Everybody,

I realize I've been a little negligent on my post writing latley. I'm sorry for that I feel like this blog is a part of my weightloss journey. It's been a great thing thus far, I'm so greatful for everybody's encouragement and support. I feel like I may have fallen off the wagon a little. And I don't mean to make excuses which is what I am always told I'm doing even though to me it's just an explanation. Anyways I've been kind of sick latley. I've been having a problem with bloody noses for about 6 months or so. A couple of days ago I was having some trouble with my throat and my mom thought I might have strep throat and suggested I shouldn't go to the gym if that was the case. She did show me a few muscle exercises to do at home though and I have done that. It turns out I did not have strep throat my doctor says it's probably a complication from the bloody noses and such.

I went to the gym on Saturday and had a really good workout. I tried a few different things to switch stuff up a little. I found a little mini trampoline at the gym which is actually really hard but a good workout and kind of fun too. I also did really feel like working out on the machines as much as I usually do so I just warmed up on the eliptical then walked on the track and after doing a few laps I felt like I wanted to do something to make the workout a little more intense. So I had never done anything with a medicine ball but had always wanted to so I just kind of picked one up and did some arm lifting with the ball while I was walking on the track. I really enjoyed that I felt like it was a great workout. Then I went to the gymnasium and did some solo basketball playing. I really enjoyed that and it was a really good workout too. I didn't go yesterday though because if I have to work which I did yesterday Sunday is a very busy day for me. I do my paper route in the morning then go to church then I have a little bit of time to kill but not long enough for a workout then I go to work. I would normally go workout after work but the Y closes early on Sundays.

Anyways I have been really excited about "visiting" a class that the Y does on Mondays nights. It's called Turbo Kick. I was watching it at the gym last week while I was there and it looked like a lot of fun so I was thinking about joining that group for the next session of classes but I was also kind of leary about it because I'm not sure if I can handle it or if it will be too intense for me so when I was at the gym on Saturday they told me that I could "visit" a class and try it out one time and see if I can handle it and make a more educated decision on wether I want to sign up for the class for the next session. From what I could tell by watching the class last week it seems to be a mix between dancing and kick boxing in a fast high intensity aerobic workout. I woke up really early this morning being super super sick though my stomach was a mess. I slept till 10:30 which is really really late for me. I've spent most of the day just laying around in bed watching tv and napping periodically and it's really helped I'm feeling alot better so hopefully I'll feel good enough to do the class I'm planning on going to the gym early and doing a workout and see how I feel when it comes time for the class.

I hope you all enjoyed the post I'll try to get on again soon to post. Be sure to check out my sparkpeople account I'm using that in conjunction with this blog. Have a great DAY!!!! BYE :)

Friday, February 12

Weightloss Hopeful: check out the new posts and sparkpeople

check out the new posts and sparkpeople

hello, like you don't already have enough to read. :) I just wanted to let you know that theres a new post from Janurary 19th the first from my workout journey. I found it in my "lost" posts with the other two I just posted so take a look I think it's really good you have to go waaaay back it's my 3rd post now and it doesn't have a name it's just the date. Also I wanted to let everyone know I am now a part of check it out. It's similiar to The Biggestloser Club but FREE!!!! I only just joined but I think it's going to be pretty cool check it out. Bye happy reading.

Tuesday, February 9

Wow so much going on

Hi Everybody,
(I wrote this on Tuesday. I lost it just like my one from Sunday and found it:) so here it is)

So I've had an extremely busy week already. Busy day at that. We're getting crazy snow around here the last week. But luckily this snow has not kept me from my workout routine... yet. Yesterday I got off work early and went to the gym. I did a full three hour workout before going to my meeting at church. It was great I felt amazing. I had been challanged by a co-worker to make my face sweat because I had told her that I had been doing a good job sweating during my workouts. But for some reason I have not been able to make my face drip with sweat. I got really close. During my workout I did an hour and a half on the eliptical. Of course I lived because I did not do it all at once, any of you who thought I did is very silly. I split it up into three half hour sessions. The first half hour I maintained a steady crossramp of 1 just to warm up. Then I moved onto my free weights doing three sets of 15 reps. Went back to the eliptical for another half hour this time doing a cross country random program working my way up to a crossramp of 13 then back down again. After this I moved onto my situps which I've decided I need to work on because during my fitness evaluation I get tested on how many situps and push ups I can do and obviously since I can't do ANY pushups I need to really impress my trainer with how many situps I can do. So after stretching and doing 15 situps I was getting ready to go (though I didn't really NEED to) I saw somebody on a tredmill with a tv watching my favorite show ever Gilmore Girls so of course I just HAD to watch it so I got back on the eliptical for another half hour while watching that THEN finally finished my workout and went to my meeting at church this was my Monday workout. Great huh? I was very proud of myself.

Sunday, February 7


Hi Everybody I'm mad I just finished writing a really long updating post and as I went to post it "the website could not be found" GRRRR So I'm at the Y right now and they're about to close so I need to go home and get some dinner then I will try again. :(

Sorry about missing a couple days

Hello Everybody, I'm back..........
(Just so everybody knows I actually wrote this post last Sunday while I was at the Y. I thought I lost it but then I found it in the world of blogs I didn't know existed. LoL Enjoy:)

.So I'm sorry I've been incognito for so long. I kind of took a hiatus from my computer for a couple of days. It's been a crazy weekend with the snow and everything. So here's the update. Since Wednesday (the last time I posted) I went and worked out on Thursday just did a cardio workout though but it was a good one. I also for the last couple days of last weeks workouts was making a habit out of doing free weights everytime I came to the gym. I wish I could describe to you what I was doing cause I just made it up myself and it was kind of different, but when I tried describing it to my mom she really didn't understand so I won't put you all through that. The point is though that every time I come to the gym I try to do something new and change up my routine so my body doesn't get used to ANYTHING. I do seem to have a problem with my cardio workout though well maybe not a problem. I am really addicted to the eliptical. I tried going back to the tredmill the other day and that just bored me almost to tears. So I thought I'd walk on the track and oh my goodness taht was worse than the tredmill. So I guess for now I will stick to the eliptical. I do change that up to though thats one of the things I like so much about it is that it's versatile. I haven't gotten very good with doing both the arms and the legs yet so I just try to do the arms now and then and I'm almost constantly changing the program I use while on it. One day I'll do the Random, one day the Manual with no crossramp and one day with a crossramp of 10. I say don't try to fix something that isn't broke (yet) :) Also I've finally added sit ups into my non-routine. In the fitness evaluation I get every 3 months here at the y they measure how many consecutive

I know a while back I commented that I received a free ten day pass to the for my birthday. I tried to sign up for this Tuesday night while my mom and I were watching the biggest loser but there's a catch. (of course) In order to get the 10 days free you had to sign up with a credit card then if you didnt want to stick with it you would have to get ahold of them to cancel it then if you did want to stick with it they would just continue to charge your credit card for it. So my part friend part sister Jenny suggested I try I have it marked on my favorites to check out just haven't taken the time to do that yet. It's on my agenda. She says it's alot like the biggestloserclub for anybody thats interested. Before I heard about this I was intending to set a goal for myself that when I reached it I would splurge on the $30 for a month to join the BLC. My mom felt I should make this goal a financial one. I felt I should make it a weight oriented goal. I want to see what all of you think. Please comment which you think is more appropriate. My mom's point was that this shouldn't be something I reward myself with for a weight loss because it will be a tool for my weight loss. I figure it's something I really want and it will be helpful as well. ok well I'm at the Y and they're about to close and I haven't had dinner yet so I want to get home. I feel like there was more I wanted to say but I can't think of it now so there might be another post later if I think about it. ttfn.

Wednesday, February 3

Inspirational message 3

"As you lose weight you need to consume fewer calories to keep the needle on the scale moving down. Eat 75% of whats on your plate at every meal. It's a small change that prevents over eating. "

Tuesday, February 2

so excited I can't sleep :( / :)

Hi everybody, I know I know I should have gone to sleep like an hour or so ago after I got done posting but I have so much to do. I'm currently filling out my weightloss calendar in my biggest loser weight management journal I got for my birthday and if I continue with losing my 10 pounds a month like I hope to I will no longer be obese as of September 19th 2010. It seems insane I did not think it would take me THAT long to get below what the Body Mass Index people consider to below an obese weight. INSANE!!!! it sure didn't take that long to get UP to that weight :(

Inspirational message 2

"With a little motivation you'll find yourself full of energy, and weightloss becomes a bonus. The path to wellness takes effort, but when your committed the road rises up to meet you." From Bill Germanakos Biggest Loser season 4 winner.


Hey everybody,
I'm way too tired to do a long post so I'm just getting on real quick to let you all know I had a great workout today. I wasn't feeling well when I got to the gym but with a little encouragement from my "not so big" ,as in they're not overweight, biggest cheerleaders (mom and sis) got my self going into my workout and soon felt as good as normal did about 45 minutes on the eliptical after warming up for about 15-20 minutes on the tredmill. I have gotten working out hard enough to get a good sweat my next moutain to climb is to get my face to sweat not sure what its going to take to get that to happen but we shall see. My parents bought me a couple of gifts today. They're both pretty excited because this is the best I've ever done with my weightloss journey like I keep telling everyone this is it. This is the time I'm going to FINISH!!!! Anyways when I got home from the gym I found a food scale and a bag of ziplock zip and seal fresh baggy things that you put veggies and meat in with some seasonings and put it in the microwave and it's supposed to cook your food fast yummy and healthy..... we shall see. ok so I'm going to do the inspirational message of the day next so I hope everybody reads. ttfn.

Monday, February 1

Day 1 Inspirational message.

"If you want to lose weight try a temporary protein push follow a diet plan of 55 percent protein and you'll lose more body fat than following a 55 percent carbohydrate plan. " From Ali Vincent.

Happy Birthday TO ME!!!!

Hola Mi Amigas, (if I have amigOs reading you should "follow" me so I know ;) )

So that was one heck of a weekend. Saturday night my sis and her boyfriend came home to help me celebrate my birthday. My mom and I made her famous potato pancakes. This is a huge thing it has been my favorite meal since I was little. BUT they've always been pretty fattening. Because you fry potato pancakes in lots and lots of butter then top them with butter and sour cream when you go to eat them. However this time because I'm on the whole weight loss journey and everything my mom decided to cook them in olive oil instead which was awesome they tasted amazing then I was going to get fat free sour cream but couldn't find any so just got light and personally I've never been a fan of putting butter on my pancakes so that wasn't an issue for me. Then my sister made a "special" birthdaY cake for me that is only 2 weight watcher points a piece. and this is my favorite part I'm not usually a fan of cake and frosting and all that and of course thats not real healthy either so my sister "frosted" the cake with COOL WHIP one of my most favorite things EVER. Oh and the great part was I had to run to the store for a little while, and while I was gone my sisters boyfriend downloaded a program to my computer so that I could upload my music to my mp3 player. Then For my birthday I wanted to go bowling cause I love bowling and it keeps me and everybody I care about active. But it seemed I was the only one at bowling who LOVES to bowl. Also it was quite expensive. So a bunch of us decided to go be bw3's to hang out have some drinks maybe play some pool. But we got there and one of our friends said she couldn't stay very long beause she was going to get her ear pierced again with another one of our friends. So I say I would love to get another tattoo and that I've always wanted to get my nose pierced. So my sister my best friend Jaime and I all decided to get our noses pierced. :) It hurt really bad definently worse than I thought it would. But now that the pain is gone I really like it. I do have to cover it up at work though which kinda sucks. Anyways I do realize not very much of this post is about my weightloss journey thus far. But just hold your horses. I wanted to include that even though I was out I didn't totally forget about my journey that I'm on. For instance while I was at the bowling alley I had Rum and Diet Cola, which I've read is a "good" choice to make while out having a good time. I did have one drink while there that I probably shouldn't have but I was having a drink bought for me so I just had the same as that person and it was something I had never tried before so.... I know those all are excuses. I'm just being honest. Then before we went to get our piercings we all took a shot together something called a lemon drop. Which just to put it out there I had NEVER done a shot before this weekend. To me jello shots don't count. Anyway you just lick a little sugar off a lemon take a shot of vodka then suck on the lemon. It wasn't bad I can see myself doing that shot again in the future. Also it's great cause it's not one of those packed full of sugary stuff like pucker and sweet and sour mix, etc. But then after we got back from getting our noses pierced I was in a lot of pain and all keyed up. So when I got back to bdubs I ordered a margarita which is my favorite thing in the whole world from bdubs BUT i made the smart decision to NOT get a rim of either salt or sugar on my drink. It's not the healthiest choice of drink I could have chosen but it made a small difference to not have anything on the rim. Then we all got snacks and if you don't know bdubs is famous for their chicken wings but as most people on a weightloss journey know chicken wings are fried and greasy and lathered in fattening sauces. For that reason I chose to get the "naked" tenders. which are just grilled pieces of chicken with sauce served on the side for dipping. A much healthier choice at bdubs. I was very proud of myself for doing that. Then the next day (Sunday, yesterday) I went and did a great long workout at the gym as I did today as well. So I feel like I'm still doing ok. I didn't fall off the weightloss wagon just because I made a few less than perfect decisions. And last but certainly not least my amazing birthday present I got from my sister the officaial BIGGEST LOSER weight mangement program which comes with an "audio" journal that gives a new inspirational message every day for a year. A recipe book, a meal and exercise planner, a tape measure, an exercise music cd, and the best part a 10 day trial for the biggest loser club online. Which I'm totally excited about but have been way too busy and tired to sign up for it yet. I'm hoping to do that tommorow night while watching the biggest loser. So just so everyone knows I will be posting those inspirational messages in a seperate post every day to sort of help everybody else out on their journeys (if your on one) Alright so I'm gonna do that other post here real quick and hit the sack so I can actually get up early in the morning to go do my workout before work. talk to ya tommorow I'm sure.