This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Friday, February 19

Roller coaster day for emotions

Hey everybody,

I have to try to make this kind of quick but it's been a crazy busy day for me with my weightloss journey so I wanted to update you all on what has happened. I've been really excited and nervous the last few days, in anticipation for this day. Today is my one month anniversary of my beginning my weightloss journey. I started this blog on the 18th of January and started at the gym on the 19th. So I go into the gym this morning and before I do anything else I ask the lady working to weigh and measure me. I lost 3 pounds which at the time I was VERY discouraged about but I knew that it usually takes my body awhile to start losing weight I almost always lose the inches first and alot of people have been telling me how I LOOK like I'm losing weight and I've been seeing it myself as well. So, I wasn't TOO bummed yet. Then we go to measure me and she's trying to figure out how the other girl (the first one to measure me) did the measurements because apperantly everybody measures differently. She couldn't figure it out and didn't think she should try in fear of messing it up so she told me to try to get with the other girl to get my measurments taken. She also said that she wants to work with me on my diet so I need to work on actually keeping up with my food diary, which I'm not so great at doing routinely as all of you know from following my blog that I was going to try to write in daily. So now I have to wait to get my measurments till who knows when and I only lost 3 pounds. Thankfully all of this took place before I did my workout. I was so mad/sad frustrtated that I did a really hard/good workout trying to work my frustrations out. I wore myself out and probably did a little bit of good with my frustrations but unfortunatly wasn't able to get rid of them completly. I didn't want to leave things like that and just head home because I figured if I did that I would just fall into my old routine and plop in front of my favorite distraction and coping device the tv with a bowl full of something bad to eat.

So what I did instead was try to find something that would help me relax and feel good about myself without doing damage with my weightloss or financially. I went to starbucks and got a cup of coffee and read. One of my favorite things to do. I love going to coffee shops. I am not much of a sweets person so I don't have trouble with that and coffee and tea isn't that bad for you if you don't go overboard and I love love love to read in the big comfy chairs and just relax. So this is what I did. Until I came up with the idea of going to Lane Bryant and having a fashion show with myself to see if any of my sizes changed.... guess what???? THEY DID!!!!!!! I suggest this to anyone who is feeling down about they're weightloss. It does wonders. I can't afford to buy anything right now and as my mom and sister pointed out to me this is probably a good thing because with my journey going as well as it has this far anything I would buy right now probably wouldn't fit in another month or so. But I had a ton of fun anyway trying on different outfits and taking pictures with my phone and sending them to people it made me feel like we were all shopping together even though my mom was at home and my sister was at work like 200 miles away. I had a blast and of course it helped that my shirt size dropped like 2 sizes and my pant size dropped by one. :)

Anyways I now feel a ton better and have decided that a 3 pound weightloss is better than no weightloss at all. I've also been inspired to try to find a job outside of the food industry. So I'm back on the hunt AGAIN. One of my least favorite things to do but it'll all be worth it in the end. For now I have to hurry and go shower and get ready to leave for work in EEEEK 20 minutes. Thanks everybody for your support I can't wait to read everybodys comments so keep em comming. PLEASE!!!!! :)


  1. Hey Kel!!

    Sorry I've been MIA! Congrats on the weight loss!! A 3-lb weight loss is great Kelly. Google weight loss success stories and you'll notice that people who lost a lot of weight and kept it off, lost at a rate of 3-5 lbs a month. It'll just take a while! Also congrats on not using food to make yourself feel better! I'm so happy for you Kelly!
