This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Monday, February 1

Happy Birthday TO ME!!!!

Hola Mi Amigas, (if I have amigOs reading you should "follow" me so I know ;) )

So that was one heck of a weekend. Saturday night my sis and her boyfriend came home to help me celebrate my birthday. My mom and I made her famous potato pancakes. This is a huge thing it has been my favorite meal since I was little. BUT they've always been pretty fattening. Because you fry potato pancakes in lots and lots of butter then top them with butter and sour cream when you go to eat them. However this time because I'm on the whole weight loss journey and everything my mom decided to cook them in olive oil instead which was awesome they tasted amazing then I was going to get fat free sour cream but couldn't find any so just got light and personally I've never been a fan of putting butter on my pancakes so that wasn't an issue for me. Then my sister made a "special" birthdaY cake for me that is only 2 weight watcher points a piece. and this is my favorite part I'm not usually a fan of cake and frosting and all that and of course thats not real healthy either so my sister "frosted" the cake with COOL WHIP one of my most favorite things EVER. Oh and the great part was I had to run to the store for a little while, and while I was gone my sisters boyfriend downloaded a program to my computer so that I could upload my music to my mp3 player. Then For my birthday I wanted to go bowling cause I love bowling and it keeps me and everybody I care about active. But it seemed I was the only one at bowling who LOVES to bowl. Also it was quite expensive. So a bunch of us decided to go be bw3's to hang out have some drinks maybe play some pool. But we got there and one of our friends said she couldn't stay very long beause she was going to get her ear pierced again with another one of our friends. So I say I would love to get another tattoo and that I've always wanted to get my nose pierced. So my sister my best friend Jaime and I all decided to get our noses pierced. :) It hurt really bad definently worse than I thought it would. But now that the pain is gone I really like it. I do have to cover it up at work though which kinda sucks. Anyways I do realize not very much of this post is about my weightloss journey thus far. But just hold your horses. I wanted to include that even though I was out I didn't totally forget about my journey that I'm on. For instance while I was at the bowling alley I had Rum and Diet Cola, which I've read is a "good" choice to make while out having a good time. I did have one drink while there that I probably shouldn't have but I was having a drink bought for me so I just had the same as that person and it was something I had never tried before so.... I know those all are excuses. I'm just being honest. Then before we went to get our piercings we all took a shot together something called a lemon drop. Which just to put it out there I had NEVER done a shot before this weekend. To me jello shots don't count. Anyway you just lick a little sugar off a lemon take a shot of vodka then suck on the lemon. It wasn't bad I can see myself doing that shot again in the future. Also it's great cause it's not one of those packed full of sugary stuff like pucker and sweet and sour mix, etc. But then after we got back from getting our noses pierced I was in a lot of pain and all keyed up. So when I got back to bdubs I ordered a margarita which is my favorite thing in the whole world from bdubs BUT i made the smart decision to NOT get a rim of either salt or sugar on my drink. It's not the healthiest choice of drink I could have chosen but it made a small difference to not have anything on the rim. Then we all got snacks and if you don't know bdubs is famous for their chicken wings but as most people on a weightloss journey know chicken wings are fried and greasy and lathered in fattening sauces. For that reason I chose to get the "naked" tenders. which are just grilled pieces of chicken with sauce served on the side for dipping. A much healthier choice at bdubs. I was very proud of myself for doing that. Then the next day (Sunday, yesterday) I went and did a great long workout at the gym as I did today as well. So I feel like I'm still doing ok. I didn't fall off the weightloss wagon just because I made a few less than perfect decisions. And last but certainly not least my amazing birthday present I got from my sister the officaial BIGGEST LOSER weight mangement program which comes with an "audio" journal that gives a new inspirational message every day for a year. A recipe book, a meal and exercise planner, a tape measure, an exercise music cd, and the best part a 10 day trial for the biggest loser club online. Which I'm totally excited about but have been way too busy and tired to sign up for it yet. I'm hoping to do that tommorow night while watching the biggest loser. So just so everyone knows I will be posting those inspirational messages in a seperate post every day to sort of help everybody else out on their journeys (if your on one) Alright so I'm gonna do that other post here real quick and hit the sack so I can actually get up early in the morning to go do my workout before work. talk to ya tommorow I'm sure.


  1. Hey Kel! Well done making the smarter choices on your bday!! Don't worry about a few indulgent choices once in a while it's far more important to eat balanced the majority of the time.

    I don't know anything about the Biggest Loser Club, but have you ever used SparkPeople? It's an online weightloss community. I don't have an account, but I go on there once in a while and the forums are awesome! Everyone is really supportive. Oh and it's free!

  2. I've never heard of it but thanks I will check it out.

  3. Kelly, Bill is an Amig-O who follows you. :-)
