This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Sunday, February 7

Sorry about missing a couple days

Hello Everybody, I'm back..........
(Just so everybody knows I actually wrote this post last Sunday while I was at the Y. I thought I lost it but then I found it in the world of blogs I didn't know existed. LoL Enjoy:)

.So I'm sorry I've been incognito for so long. I kind of took a hiatus from my computer for a couple of days. It's been a crazy weekend with the snow and everything. So here's the update. Since Wednesday (the last time I posted) I went and worked out on Thursday just did a cardio workout though but it was a good one. I also for the last couple days of last weeks workouts was making a habit out of doing free weights everytime I came to the gym. I wish I could describe to you what I was doing cause I just made it up myself and it was kind of different, but when I tried describing it to my mom she really didn't understand so I won't put you all through that. The point is though that every time I come to the gym I try to do something new and change up my routine so my body doesn't get used to ANYTHING. I do seem to have a problem with my cardio workout though well maybe not a problem. I am really addicted to the eliptical. I tried going back to the tredmill the other day and that just bored me almost to tears. So I thought I'd walk on the track and oh my goodness taht was worse than the tredmill. So I guess for now I will stick to the eliptical. I do change that up to though thats one of the things I like so much about it is that it's versatile. I haven't gotten very good with doing both the arms and the legs yet so I just try to do the arms now and then and I'm almost constantly changing the program I use while on it. One day I'll do the Random, one day the Manual with no crossramp and one day with a crossramp of 10. I say don't try to fix something that isn't broke (yet) :) Also I've finally added sit ups into my non-routine. In the fitness evaluation I get every 3 months here at the y they measure how many consecutive

I know a while back I commented that I received a free ten day pass to the for my birthday. I tried to sign up for this Tuesday night while my mom and I were watching the biggest loser but there's a catch. (of course) In order to get the 10 days free you had to sign up with a credit card then if you didnt want to stick with it you would have to get ahold of them to cancel it then if you did want to stick with it they would just continue to charge your credit card for it. So my part friend part sister Jenny suggested I try I have it marked on my favorites to check out just haven't taken the time to do that yet. It's on my agenda. She says it's alot like the biggestloserclub for anybody thats interested. Before I heard about this I was intending to set a goal for myself that when I reached it I would splurge on the $30 for a month to join the BLC. My mom felt I should make this goal a financial one. I felt I should make it a weight oriented goal. I want to see what all of you think. Please comment which you think is more appropriate. My mom's point was that this shouldn't be something I reward myself with for a weight loss because it will be a tool for my weight loss. I figure it's something I really want and it will be helpful as well. ok well I'm at the Y and they're about to close and I haven't had dinner yet so I want to get home. I feel like there was more I wanted to say but I can't think of it now so there might be another post later if I think about it. ttfn.

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