This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Tuesday, May 11

What a night

Hey Everybody,

So tonight has been CRZY!!!! I had THE most amazing workout tonight. I went to the gym around 5-530 did a regular workout with cardio then free weights and my balance ball crunches. BUT then I went to the Zumba class and OMG it was the time of my life so fun I could not stop smiling I didn't even care how I looked if I was doing the steps right or anything. I was just getting an amazing workout and having fun. I am hoping to officially sign up for the class starting in June.

But THEN THE BIGGEST LOSER, well it has me in a whirlwind. You know the saying.... be careful what you wish for? well it came at me full speed tonight. First through watching the show I'm like PLEASe let Michael stay he needs to be there so bad. So during the weight in I'm like please let him stay please please please then he makes it through and ashley's in the bottom. She is undeniebly the person I wanted to leave tonight I didn't think there was any way that Sunshine was going to be sent home then she was and I'm like shit I was furious if you saw my facebook update I made before the show was even over you woulod see that. ;)

Anyways tonights BL made me want to watch the very first episode again. Try to figure out what specifically it was about this season that finally just made it click for me. Obviously I've been watching this show for so long and it didn't happen till this season. My life has changed. I see myself changing on the inside and the outside. I can tell you one thing Daris and Stephanie have encouraged me SOOOO much. As we speak I am watching the beginning of this seasons first episode. Right now I am super excited that my mom wanted me to record all the episodes of this season and not delete any of them. These people are amazing. I mean jeeze it feels like a year ago that this season started. Can you imgagine getting that phone call saying your on the biggest loser? then to lose all that weight and be the happy person you always knew you could be. I mean if you've been watching Stephanie and Sam not only seeing how they've changed but watching them fall in love and how happy they've come. Daris I mean oh my gosh how I've fallen for him. He is so amazing he is so much like me and I have watched him go from a boy to a man in just a few months. I just checked the date that the first episode of this season took place and it was January 5th. like 2 weeks before I started my journey. I wish I had a better showing of how i'm changing. I practically have Daris' speech memorized "I will do everything I can to make you proud, and I will make myself proud to" I think thats how we all feel. All of us overweight people. We want to love ourselves more than anything. I can say one thing I do NOT miss Melissa.

When I was at the gym earlier today I tryed a spinning bike. and I was NOT comfortable. I don't know what it was I had lady working help me adjust the seat and everything but I don't know what it was I hated it. I'm ok on the regular bikes though so I've been thinking of challanging myself in some way. I keep trying to push myself to try something new. A couple of weeks ago I was walking on the tredmill and did my time on the eliptical I was feeling great so I challanged myself to run as far as I could on the track just to see what I could do I was aiming for once around the track. I figured I would really have to push myself but my adrenaline was up and I was feeling great so I thought I could do it. I was only able to go half way around the track. So now I'm thinking of challanging myself on a bike the same way the contestants did on the first week at the ranch. I don't think I'll try to go the marathon seeing as I'm NOT on the show and I won't have the medical personel on hand. WOW I totally forgot that the green team came in first place at the first challange but then theres the gray team right behind them. Thats my guys. :)

So I told you all that I pledged 15 pounds to the pound for pound challenge. I don't know when that is supposed to be reached by but I made my personal goal the finale of this season BL. That is May 25th 2 weeks from tonight. I weighed myself this morning and had lost one more pound bringing me down to 209 lbs. making my weightloss so far 11 lbs which means I only have 4 more lbs to go to reach my goal. :) I am so excited if I just keep making small goals like this, the time will fly by till I am at my goal weight. Right now that is seeming light years away. I know I will get there someday. Failure is no longer a possibility.

*I love it I just saw Bob tell Stephanie that she was 29 years old and she was going to hit 30 looking HOT. I find this so funny because what was Stephanie's welcome home event? Her 30th birthday and she did look HOT!!!! lol I love it*
*I also just learned that Sam is significantly younger than Stephanie which is surprising. Sam is only 23. thats the same age as me holy crap. I thought he was much older.*

I am now however renewing my goal of getting my arms to look half way decent for a wedding that is now only 2 weeks away which I cannot believe. I made this goal what feels like a long time ago. I have been working on my arms alot but I just don't feel like the results are very obvious I actually was talking to a couple of friends of mine from work that are following my journey and they said that they saw a difference but I just don't feel it's very significant. I have this dress to wear to this wedding and I haven't tried it on lately but I'm hoping to look amazing in it. My goal is still to wear it without a sweater to cover up my arms but right now I'm seeing that I've changed but I'm not sure if I do wear it without the sweater it's because my arms actually do look better or if I'm just more comfortable with my body from being at the gym so much. I don't know.

Anyways I think this post is long past babbling lol but I feel much better to have gotten all this out. plus my computer is about to die and I have to get this uploaded before that happens. SOOOO I will talk to you all soon I'm going to the gym again tommorow for another great workout. I'm gettin in the poool tommorow night :) and I'm going to work my arms harder to get rid of this damn flab. I'm going to up the free weights from 8 to 10 lbs. :) I remember when I moved from 5 to 8 hehe.



  1. Isn't it a great feeling when you get to move up to heavier weights! Good job Kel, you're doing really great!

  2. thanks Jen :) I also happened to move down another clothing size :) have lots of excitiing news just haven't had time to post keep your eyes peeled :)
