This is the sunset I want to ride off into some day.

My favorite quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not
just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Check out Kellys Stats!!

Monday, March 8


Hi Everybody,

So it appears these posts are going to pop up about weekly maybe? I still want to write in here I just don't want my whole life to be about getting on the internet every night before bed because then I never seem to get to sleep I just keep finding things to do. I bought myself the new Nickolas Sparks book, the one thats being made into Miley Cyrus's new movie, The Last Song. I love love love the book, I'm only half way through it but I am starting to realize how much I have not been reading since I got this computer and started my blog and everything. I love to read it is my most favorite thing so I've decided to find a happy medium. Every other night I can be on the computer. Hopefully I can stick to it.

So, the week in exercise. I ended the last post on Wednesday morning And I couldn't even remember what I did last Tuesday so I had to go back and reread my last post just to update myself lol. So, Wednesday night I usually go to the gym after I get done at Bob Evans, but I got off a lot later than I normally do. You see the Oregon Y closes at Ten where as the Perrysburg Y doesn't close till midnight I wish I was always able to go to that one. But anyways Wednesday night I didn't get out of work until almost 9:30 So I wouldn't have had time to drive over there change get a work out in all in a half hour. So I acutally got off work early on Thursday night and headed straight over there and did a little big longer of a workout than I usually have time to do at the Oregon Y. I was really happy with it. I did a full hour on the eliptical again but not only that but I also did intervals which I read you can lose more weight by pushing a workout then recovering over and over while on any aerobic machine rather than just going at a moderate speed the whole time your on your machine. So on Thursday night I pushed myself to go fast at a high incline for 8 minutes straight then recover by doing 12 minutes at a low incline still trying to go kind of fast, all for a total of 1 hour. :) I was very happy with that then because I had been able to get there so early I still had time to do my weight training. I did my arm weights a mixture of 5 pound and 8 pound weights doing bicep curls then I don't know what they're called I kind of feel like I made them up but I start with my arms bent at the elbow then punch up almost like the arm part of a jumping jack. I don't know if thats an accurate description but it's the best I can think of, Then I also do a move that is a little faster and more of an aerobic move I think than a muscle trainer but it could be both like I said I just kind of made some of these up. Anywyas the third and final arm weight movements I do is kind of like a fast robot move you know the robot dance people do. well I just do that really fast while holding my weights. It's fun and I do it in time to my music on my mp3 player. Then unfortunatly that was the end of last weeks workouts. I usually go on Saturday but I had a very very busy day on Saturday and was not able to fit working out into that busy schedule. But I'm going to be back full force this afternoon/evening again. I can't decide what time to go but whatever I do it's going to be an awesome workout. :) I just realized how much my workouts last week really sucked I need to get in there more this week.

One last thing, I have been meaning to tweek the playlist on my mp3 a little. I've been skipping alot of the songs that I thought would be good for working out but that just doesn't seem to be the case. I was at 115 songs when I first put the music on it now I'm down to like 80 some but I don't feel like I hear all the songs anyways so it doesn't really matter how many are on it. Alright well I need to back to my laundry so that I can get it done before I go workout. Oh by the way my "sister" Jenny sent me a card for how well I have been doing on this journey and I was so excited about it I wanted to tell you all about it. Also something kind of funny is that she sent me a Starbucks gift card too. The funny thing about that is that I never used to go to starbucks but latley I've been goin in there alot to relax after work or working out and reading I love it there it doesn't have to be real expensive or real bad for you like I used to think you just have to know how to work the menu so I'm super excited about that. THANKS JEN!!!!!

BYE EVERYBODY :) :) :) :)

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